To Add Equipment in Conformance Tool’s User Equipment Component Type Selection

Applies To 
Product(s): OpenPlant PID
Version(s): CONNECT Edition 10.11.++
Environment:  Windows 10/11 (64-bit)
Area:  Conformance Tool
Subarea:  User Equipment
Original Author: Joseph Gelacio,Bentley Product Advantage Group


In this wiki article, shows the initial problem is that the existing class STORAGE_TANK is not visible in the Component Selection dialogue of Conformance Tool<User Equipment. 
Below are the steps to accomplish. This will only need to add the base class PID_EQUIPMENT_CELL to the STORAGE_TANK class.

Steps to Accomplish

  1. Launch Class Editor and load OpenPlant_PID.01.08.ecschema.xml schema.

  2. Supplement it with OpenPlant_PID_Supplemental_Design.01.08.ecschema.xml schema.

  3. Go to STORAGE_TANK class, right click and select Base Classes...

  4. The Base Classes dialogue will open.
    Search for PID_EQUIPMENT_CELL class from the list.
    Select it and click on the arrow down button to add.
    Click OK and save the changes in your schema.

  5. Launch OPPID and test the result. STORAGE_TANK class should show in the list

See Also