How To Generate an Auto Nozzle List, which will be Displayed when a Pipeline Starts or Ends at a pie

Applies To
Product(s):OpenPlant PID CONNECT Edition 
Environment:Windows 11 (64 bit)
Subarea: Nozzle
Original Author: Sameer Bagwan, Bentley Global Technical Support


When initiating or terminating a pipeline at a piece of equipment, OPPID automatically defaults to placing a single-line nozzle, as depicted in the following image. It does not present a list of available nozzles to select from. This document outlines a method to generate an Auto Nozzle List, which will be displayed when a pipeline starts or ends at a piece of equipment.

Steps to Accomplish

  1. Launch the Class Editor and open the OpenPlant_PID.01.08.ecschema.xml schema and supplement the OpenPlant_PID_Supplemental_Design.01.08.ecschema.xml Schema.

  2. Locate the Equipment class and erase the data entered in the ‘Auto Nozzle Class Name’ property. Leave it blank as demonstrated below.

  3.  It has been noted that many child classes related to the equipment have the custom attribute ‘Auto Nozzle Class Name’ localized. Therefore, users also need to clear the text from the ‘Auto Nozzle Class Name’ property in these child classes.

  4. Consider a scenario where an Auto Nozzle List is required for Cone Roof Tank when a pipeline is initiated or terminated at a piece of equipment.

  5. Navigate to the Cone Roof Tank Class. Observe that the ‘Auto Nozzle Class Name’ has its Class Name defined as ‘SINGLE_NOZZLE’

  6. To clear the ‘Auto Nozzle Class Name’, perform a right-click on the ‘Cone Roof Tank’ class and select the ‘Custom Attribute Add/Remove’ option.

  7. Search for ‘Auto Nozzle Class Name’, select it, click on dropdown arrow, and click ‘OK’, as illustrated in the image below.

  8. Save all Changes Relaunch OPPID.

  9. Draw a major line starting from Cone Roof Tank, it is observed that Auto Nozzle List "Nozzle Selection"  Appears.

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