How To Create a New Pipeline Annotation Displaying the Pipe Run's Insulation Thickness

Applies To
Product(s):OpenPlant PID CONNECT Edition
Environment:Windows 10/11 (64 bit)
Subarea:Pipeline Annotations
Original Author:Álvaro Melgarejo, Bentley Global Technical Support


This wiki shows how to create a new pipeline annotation displaying the pipe run's insulation thickness. The instructions written here are valid for creating new pipeline annotations that display any pipe run's property value.

Steps to Accomplish

  1. Launch OpenPlant PID CONNECT Edtition and open any DGN.
  2. Right click on an empty space in the ribbon toolbar and select "Customize Ribbon".
  3. On the right-hand side upper box, navigate to:
    OpenPlant PID -> PID Gallery Components -> Pipeline Annotations.
  4. Right click on Pipeline Annotations and select Add New Button.
  5. Select the new button, and on the box below, fill the Key-in field with
    pid insert OpenPlant_PID PIPE_LINE_ANNOTATION_ALT8
    Note: it might be that PIPE_LINE_ANNOTATION_ALT8 is already in use, if this is the case, use the next available number: pid insert OpenPlant_PID PIPE_LINE_ANNOTATION_ALT#
    Customize the rest of the button as desired.
    At this point, a button has been created for the annotation, but there still remains to create and configure the class in the schemas.
  6. Open the Windows file explorer and navigate to:
    C:\ProgramData\Bentley\OpenPlant CONNECT Edition\Configuration\WorkSpaces\{WORKSPACE_IN_USE}\WorkSets\{WORKSET_IN_USE}\Standards\OpenPlant\Schemas
    Or to the location where the OpenPlant schemas are located in the configuration in use.
  7. Open OpenPlant_PID.01.08.ecschema.xml with a plain text editor, Notepad++ is recommended.
  8. Press ctrl+F and search for BASE_PIPE_LINE_ANNOTATION. Make a copy of the SIZE ECProperty. In the copy, change propertyName to "INSULATION_THICKNESS" and displayLabel to "Insulation Thickness". Refer to the picture below.

  9. Press ctrl+F again and search for PIPE_LINE_ANNOTATION_ALT2. Make a copy of this ECClass and, in the copy, modify typeName, description  and displayLabel accordingly. Refer to the picture below.

  10. Save and close the schema and open OpenPlant_PID_Supplemental_Design.01.08.ecschema.xml schema.
  11. Press ctrl+F and search for BASE_PIPE_LINE_ANNOTATION. Make a copy of the SIZE ECProperty. Change propertyName for "INSULATION_THICKNESS" and the DefaultValue for Insulation Thickness. Refer to the picture below.

  12. Press ctrl+F again and search for PIPE_LINE_ANNOTATION_ALT2. Make a copy of this ECClass. This time, it will be necessary to again correct typeName, and to change the ECExpression for this one:
    Additionally, the FailureValue and the DefaultValue can also be changed to Insulation Thickness.

  13. Save and close the schema. Restart OpenPlant PID.
  14. Draw a pipe and assign it any Insulation Thickness.
  15. Click on the button created earlier or insert the Key-in pid insert OpenPlant_PID PIPE_LINE_ANNOTATION_ALT8.
  16. Place the Insulation Thickness annotation on the pipe and observe it display the correct value.