To Compare Two Named Version for 3D Model Data in PlantSight

Applies To
Environment:Windows 11 (64 bit)
Area:Named Version
Original Author:  Chanchal Mashalkar, Bentley Global Technical Support Group


In this document, we can compare the creation of multiple Named Versions and evaluate them using the viewer in PlantSight.

Problem Description

When a user uploads 3D model data to PlantSight, subsequent modifications and updates may occur. To safeguard against data corruption, PlantSight offers a ‘Named Version’ functionality. By creating named versions at each milestone, users can recover older data and compare it with the updated version.

Steps to Resolve

  1. Create a First Named Version when pushing data for the first time, achieving a 30% milestone. Follow these steps:

    • Navigate to Data Manager > Changes > Create Named Version.

      Note: All change sets visible in the Changes section of Data Manager are relevant.

  2. For subsequent data pushes at the 60% milestone, create another Named Version using the same steps as above.

  3. In the Named Version section of Data Manager, you’ll find the two latest created Named Versions (at 30% and 60% milestones).

  4. To compare these Named Versions, proceed to the Viewer section of PlantSight and follow the steps indicated in the accompanying images. 

    Viewer>Version Compare>Add Named Versions> Compare

Note: Only 3D Model data compare with this version compare option in the viewer section of PlantSight

See Also   

Still a Problem?

If above problem still persists, then please log a Case and contact the Bentley Global Technical Support group.  While logging a case, please include all relevant information to get in-depth analysis for a solution or workaround. 

 Link to log a case is available Here>>>

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