CE OPIM How to change decimal numbers setting in ISOsheet

Applies To
Product(s):OpenPlant ISOmetric Manager
Version(s):CONNECT Edition Update 11 (10.11.++)
Environment:Windows 10/11 (64 bit)
Area: BOM
Subarea:Decimal Number
Original Author:  Nikitesh Kawana, Bentley Global Technical Support Group


In OpenPlant, {application Name} - brief required


In OpenPlant ISOmetric Manager, if user wants to change precision of value by changing decimal values than this article can be useful:

Steps to Accomplish

  1. Lets say current decimal value of current Quantity is with no Decimal and more precise decimals values are expected

  2. Open Report.def file at workset level
    (C:\ProgramData\Bentley\OpenPlant CONNECT Edition\Configuration\WorkSpaces\OpenPlantExample\WorkSets\Metric\Standards\OpenPlant\isometrics\styles\IFC\config)

  3. To modify value of Quantity of pipe in ISO add #.00 to required category expression
    (Say Quantity)

  4. Save and Rerun ISOMetric manager, open sheet and check results

See Also


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