Backup a BRCM Project

 Product(s):Bentley Raceway and Cable Management
 Area:Project Setup
 Subarea:Project Manager


It is sometimes necessary to safeguard a BRCM project or send a project to Bentley Technical Support or other users.  This document describes how to create a complete backup of the project, which consists of the project's folder and the database information related to the project.  The "project's folder" is where the BRCM DGN files are stored and where the MS_DEF parameter in the project's .pcf file points to.

Steps to Accomplish

  1. Start the Bentley Raceway and Cable Management application.

  2. On the File Open dialog, select the project in the Project field.

  3. Select a design file of the project, click the Open button.

  4. In the Tasks area, select BRCM Detail Design > BRCM Database Export to XML


  5. On the Browse for Folder dialog, select the project's folder as the destination folder then click OK.

  6. Select all the items listed on the next dialog.  These items are tables in the database related to the project.  A quick way to select all the items is to click the first item then hold the SHIFT key while clicking the last item.  Click OK.

  7. Using Windows Explorer, send the following to a compressed folder (.ZIP file):

Send or upload the resulting .ZIP file as directed.

 Original Author:Matt_P