Generative Components Newbie

I am trying to pick up GC as I need a certain task done on the project I am working on. 

I am using MicroStation and ProConcrete to model a concrete structure and reinforcement bars. Since ProConcrete requires "guidelines" as source of reinforcement geometry, it means that the more complex the concrete geometry is, the more complex the guidelines are and therefore I am looking at using GC to drive the creation of the guidelines that would need to be based on pre-modeled solid geometry in ProConcrete. I hope I am describing this enough.

I have GC installed on my laptop now and I went through the quick start guide to know the basics. I will look for more learning information on the internet.

There are a ew questions I have:

1. How does my Proconcrete model link to GC? Do I have to reference my solid model from ProConcrete to GC and then make GC pickup the solid geometry?

2. How can I link the generated guidelines in GC back to ProConcrete?

3. If the ProConcrete solid geometry changes, how can I translate that change to GC and make it generate a new set of guideleines?

Thanks in advance.

Ken Roxas