Accessing Element information - GC


i'm trying to access the element information via GC and then export the information to excel in a structured way.

does anyone know how to get the element information?


Parents Reply Children
  • ok.

    I have a GC graph that places specific cells at a location along a curve. this works perfect...

    what I now need to do is report the Element ID of the placed cells back to the Excel that originally placed them. I'm struggling to find a node that will allow me to get to that information out of the Cell.

    hope this helps
  • Im still trying to figure this out as well..
  • Hi L,

    In the current versions of GenerativeComponents, there is no ready-made functionality to achieve what you are looking for.  However, utilizing GC's extensibility, the development team suggests the following solution:

    Using the example solution that is delivered with GenerativeComponents, a couple of functions can be added to the ScriptFunctions.cs file.

    Here are the steps:


    At the top of ScriptFunctions.cs add:

    using Bentley.GenerativeComponents;
    using Bentley.GenerativeComponents.Features;
    using Bentley.GenerativeComponents.MicroStationElements;


    In the Load method, add this statement:

    nameCatalog.AddNamespaceLevelFunction("GetElementID", "long function(Node node)", GetElementID);

    There are already two similar statements.  Just add this one below those two.


    Below the Load method, add these two functions:

    /// <summary> Returns the element ID of a node. If the node does not have a corresponding geometric element, returns 0. </summary>
    static private void GetElementID(CallFrame callFrame)
       IGCObject result = Boxer.Box(0);
       INode node = callFrame.UnboxArgument<INode>(0);
       Feature feature = node as Feature;
       if (feature != null)
          result = GetElementID(feature);

    static IGCObject GetElementID( Feature feature)  
       if (feature.ContainsReplicatedChildFeatures())
          GCList result = new GCList();
          foreach (Feature child in feature.ReplicatedChildFeatures())
             result.Add(GetElementID(child)); // Recursive call.
          return result;
          long elementID = feature.Element.SafeID64();
          return Boxer.Box(elementID);


    Compile the sample project and load the DLL into GenerativeComponents.  In the list of functions you will see GetElementID.


    Drag GetElementID into the Graph (will create a FunctionCall node) and hook the Cell node as input to the "node" input port.


    The result of that function call is a single long integer for non-nested geometric nodes, a list of long integers for geometric nodes containing child nodes, etc. (there is a recursive call in GetElementID that will return the element IDs in whichever nesting the elements are contained in the top level node.)


  • I seem to be getting two errors, do you know why ?