Accessing Element information - GC


i'm trying to access the element information via GC and then export the information to excel in a structured way.

does anyone know how to get the element information?


Parents Reply Children
  • Im still trying to figure this out as well..
  • Hi L,

    In the current versions of GenerativeComponents, there is no ready-made functionality to achieve what you are looking for.  However, utilizing GC's extensibility, the development team suggests the following solution:

    Using the example solution that is delivered with GenerativeComponents, a couple of functions can be added to the ScriptFunctions.cs file.

    Here are the steps:


    At the top of ScriptFunctions.cs add:

    using Bentley.GenerativeComponents;
    using Bentley.GenerativeComponents.Features;
    using Bentley.GenerativeComponents.MicroStationElements;


    In the Load method, add this statement:

    nameCatalog.AddNamespaceLevelFunction("GetElementID", "long function(Node node)", GetElementID);

    There are already two similar statements.  Just add this one below those two.


    Below the Load method, add these two functions:

    /// <summary> Returns the element ID of a node. If the node does not have a corresponding geometric element, returns 0. </summary>
    static private void GetElementID(CallFrame callFrame)
       IGCObject result = Boxer.Box(0);
       INode node = callFrame.UnboxArgument<INode>(0);
       Feature feature = node as Feature;
       if (feature != null)
          result = GetElementID(feature);

    static IGCObject GetElementID( Feature feature)  
       if (feature.ContainsReplicatedChildFeatures())
          GCList result = new GCList();
          foreach (Feature child in feature.ReplicatedChildFeatures())
             result.Add(GetElementID(child)); // Recursive call.
          return result;
          long elementID = feature.Element.SafeID64();
          return Boxer.Box(elementID);


    Compile the sample project and load the DLL into GenerativeComponents.  In the list of functions you will see GetElementID.


    Drag GetElementID into the Graph (will create a FunctionCall node) and hook the Cell node as input to the "node" input port.


    The result of that function call is a single long integer for non-nested geometric nodes, a list of long integers for geometric nodes containing child nodes, etc. (there is a recursive call in GetElementID that will return the element IDs in whichever nesting the elements are contained in the top level node.)


  • I seem to be getting two errors, do you know why ?

  • Sorry, you ran up against a formatting error that I overlooked in the HTML version of the code. The last statement was missing the space between return and Boxer.Box. This should remove the two errors that you are showing in the screen capture. I have inserted that missing space in my previous response.


  • Wow! What else can you do by accessing the assemblies provided by GC?