How to create a solid like the solid offside with the points in the attachment?


  How to create a solid like the solid offside with the points in the attachment?



  • Hello!

    I have been looking at your file and the surfaces and solids that you created in it.  I am wondering how you created those surfaces and what your steps were to create the solids from those surfaces (if that is the workflow you followed).  I suspect that you'd have to follow a similar workflow in GC with its node types; however, before I can provide you with a definitive answer (which I don't have at this time), a brief description of your workflow (e.g. draw rectangle, draw circle, use Surfaces > <surface tool xyz>, use Solids > <solids tool xyz>) might be helpful.

    Thank you,



  • Hello Mr.Mueller!

    The steps I create solid are shown as below in Microstation.

    i want to creat the same solid in GC with the keypoint or other elements of the solid,but i can't find stitch in GC.Pls help me!


  • Thank you for providing this capture.  It makes it much clearer how you achieved the forms and I believe I'll be able to provide an answer.  It'll take me a few hours, though... 


  • Hello,

    Conclusion from your capture is, that you model the individual surface patches first, based on the delimiting lines and arcs. In GC, you could approach the solution the same way. GC's modeling is using MicroStation modeling and, therefore, many strategies are very much the same and need to follow similar steps. I have modeled the form that transitions between a rectangle and a circle; however, I had no success uploading the file, yet. We will work on remedying the problem. Otherwise I'll find other means to make that file available.

    In any case, when constructing the boundary lines and arcs I usually watch for similar alignments so I get consistent results. For the triangular areas I used BSplineSurface.FromBoundaryCurves, and for the conical corner patches BSplineSurface.FromRailsAndSweptSections with the lines as rails and the arc as section. For both, the open surface and the capped solid, I used Solid.ByClosedListOfSurfaces. It will collect adjacent surfaces into either an open (non-)solid (without error), or a fully enclosed solid if the surfaces enclose a volume. For this, the base rectangle and the closing circle need to be modeled as B-spline surfaces (using the FromClosedCurve technique on the Curve and Circle nodes).

    As soon as the file upload works again, I will upload the file and add a more detailed description referencing specific transaction numbers.




  • Hello,

    Thanks for your solitions,it's helpfull for me!

    Is there any other method to creat the solid with the surface in the "GC_Test.dgn",thanks!

  • Hi,

    Usually there are other approaches, definitely with variations in details.  A fundamentally different approach was suggested by a colleague of mine who modeled some of these shapes in MicroStation as Unions of solids, using skewed cones for the partially rounded corners, etc.  I suspect, one could follow a similar route with GC.  In MicroStation, the result looked very much the same as the other approach.  In GC, using an abundance of solids and Boolean operations on solids may impact dynamic performance compared to the surface-based approach. 




    Answer Verified By: theo 

  • Hi,

    Usually there are other approaches, definitely with variations in details.  A fundamentally different approach was suggested by a colleague of mine who modeled some of these shapes in MicroStation as Unions of solids, using skewed cones for the partially rounded corners, etc.  I suspect, one could follow a similar route with GC.  In MicroStation, the result looked very much the same as the other approach.  In GC, using an abundance of solids and Boolean operations on solids may impact dynamic performance compared to the surface-based approach. 




    Answer Verified By: theo 

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