Release - Community driven GitHub repository for custom nodes

Hi All,

I recently began developing some custom nodes for Generative Components and noticed that other users have been dabbling in development as well, however our ideas and code are currently fragmented and scattered about the forum across many threads / posts. So with some helpful suggestions from Stuart Milne at Bentley, I created this GitHub repository to host a set of community-developed tools:

I hope that others will join me in contributing to this project with their own custom nodes as well as improvements to the existing source code. We are only a small community however by joining our efforts and working on this together in an open source environment we all stand to benefit, improving our knowledge-base and boosting the capabilities of the platform will translate to a huge increase in efficiency for our own production environments!

If you have any questions at all just let me know, and I look forward to seeing what we can build together as a community!



Parents Reply
  • Thanks Anik! I am looking forward to seeing what others will contribute to the project, and I will continue to update this whenever I create new nodes or update the existing ones.

    We will certainly be more productive and build much more comprehensive and robust solutions working together on this as a community, rather than building our own solutions separately in isolation Slight smile

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