Smart Generative Components in OBD?

Will we be able to place GC components in OBD? At the moment, the smart object has to be exported as dumb raw geometry before it can be used and placed as Cells in OBD.

Ideally, the placed GC Cell should have its parametric smarts intact like the way Parametic Solids that are placed as Cells retain their smarts.

Reminded of this when stumbling over this vid.

1. Baked GH definition can be moved, copy without triggering that weird 'can't modify this because its created by another app' message you get in OBD / Mstn.

2. No need to access GH canvas. Parametric change via control panel.

3. Input geometry can be swaped out... reminds me of the old ElementSensor.

4. ?

Kind of similar to an older Rhino vertical based on GH .. but more generic?