Visualized Parametric Experimentations

Parametric Experimentation by Carlos David Gonzalez Uribe - Nomadic Form.

Generative Structure

The work here presented is a research on speculative parametric techniques to design architecture and explore the boundaries of computational design.

The use of GenerativeComponents is essential to visualize advanced relationships between elements, to reach multiplicity on design, to import and export data, to explore different geometries, to simulate physics, to simulate energy flows and to take advantage of different scales of precision.

This section is dedicated to show ongoing parametric experiments using GenerativeComponents to radicalize  repetition and explore the boundaries of scripting and computational tools of design. This work has ben developed in collaboration between Carlos Gonzalez, intern at GenerativeComponents and recent Graduate from Pratt Institute and Bentley Systems.

Generative Algorithm_ This experiment consisted on the research inside mathematical equations to visualize a continues structure able to react to different inputs of data  expressing a level of complexity on design and explored the use of 3D Print as a fabricational process.

Carlos David Gonzalez Uribe

Images Copyrighted by & Bentley Systems