[ORD R3 10.09.00 SDK .NET] How to get the name of the Active Feature Definition

I am creating horizontal alignments with .NET and would like to apply the active feature definition the user has selected in the Feature Definition Toggle Bar, to the alignment using SetFeatureDefinition(string,string) method.

    LinearComplex complexAlign = LinearComplex.Create1(align.ToArray(), false, false, 0.00001);
    ConsensusConnectionEdit con = ConsensusConnectionEdit.GetActive();
    AlignmentEdit al = AlignmentEdit.CreateByLinearElement(con, complexAlign, true);

    double startStationMeter = dh.ConvertMasterToMeter((double)inValues[0, 0]);
    al.AddStationing(0.0, startStationMeter, false);
--> al.SetFeatureDefinition("What is the Active Feature Definition?", "Name for the new alignment");

It is much faster for my users if they don't need to stop and choose the feature definition from a list every time they use this tool.

I cannot find the Active Feature Definition exposed in the SDK.

A little background for anyone creating alignments in code... I tried creating the alignments without applying a feature and name for the alignment. This creates an issue because the alignment created cannot be named after it has been created. The user needs to use the 'Complex By Element' tool to convert the un-named alignment to a named alignment. And, when using the 'Complex By Element' tool, the stationing is lost. Therefore, I need to apply the feature definition and name in code as I create the alignment.
