[ORD C# ] How to select element in reference inactivated?

Hi all,

I am trying to select an element in reference inactivated but there is nothing I can find in the examples or any of the documentation.

Is there anyone who know how to do it?

My source code is following.

protected override bool OnDataButton(DgnButtonEvent ev)
    if (mode == FormAlignmentManager.Mode.selectSurfaceTemplates)
        var hitPath = DoLocate(ev, true, 1);
        if (hitPath == null)
            return false;

        var element = hitPath.GetCursorElement();
        if (element == null) // element is null when I select an element in reference inactivated.
            return false;
        // something to do

Let me know how to select an element in reference inactivated?

Best Regards.

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