Is there a macro that will rotate a cell to align with another cell? We used to be able to do this by using the JNC code in Survey with InRoads.

We would like to have a macro that will locate the GPG Cell (Gate Post Gate) and then search within a given distance for a GP Cell (Gate Post). Then calculate the rotation angle between the cells and apply the rotation angle to the GPG Cell. The image below shows a non existent yellow line, included for clarity.

The SmartObjects.mvba that is delivered with OpenRoads performs a similar function that rotates a cell to a linear element. Mostly used for rotating sign cells and telephone posts.

  • Hi Eduardo,

    I do not recall any such macro available, the requirement to be able to locate a particular cell makes the requirement specific.

    Usine AccuDraw, it's simple to rotate the cell when it is placed, but to modify existing cells, I guess macro must be created.

    With regards,


  • I did find the SmartObjects.mvba located here under Survey

    I had some code to work with cells so I created one to do Eduardo's task.

    I'm using a mailbox cell and a water tank cell from my DOT's cell library.  The program rotates the mailbox to point towards the water tank.  The water tanks must be within 50ft of the mailbox.  Here's the code.

    Sub CellRotateFromCell2()
      Dim ee As ElementEnumerator
      Dim ee2 As ElementEnumerator
      Dim sc As New ElementScanCriteria
      Dim ogCell As CellElement
      Dim ogCell2 As CellElement
      Dim dAngle As Double
      Dim dDist As Double
      Dim dDistMax As Double
      Dim sCellRotate As String
      Dim sCellRotateTo As String
      Dim sname As String
      Dim sName2 As String
      dDistMax = 50#
      sCellRotate = "TP_MM_Mailbox"
      sCellRotateTo = "TP_MM_WaterTank"
      sc.IncludeType msdElementTypeSharedCell
      sc.IncludeType msdElementTypeCellHeader
      sc.IncludeOnlyCell sCellRotate
      Set ee = ActiveModelReference.Scan(sc)
      sc.IncludeType msdElementTypeSharedCell
      sc.IncludeType msdElementTypeCellHeader
      sc.IncludeOnlyCell "TP_MM_WaterTank"
      Set ee2 = ActiveModelReference.Scan(sc)
      If ee Is Nothing Then
        Debug.Print "ActiveModelReference.GetSelectedElements returned nothing"
        Do While ee.MoveNext
          If ee.Current.IsCellElement Then
            Set ogCell = ee.Current.AsCellElement
            sname = ogCell.Name
            If sname = "" Then
              sname = "blank"
            End If
            Debug.Print ("Cell " + sname + "," + rtos(ogCell.Scale.x, 2) + "," + rtos(ogCell.Origin.x, 2) + "," + rtos(ogCell.Origin.Y, 2) + "," + rtos(ogCell.Origin.Z, 2))
            If ee2 Is Nothing Then
              Debug.Print "ActiveModelReference.GetSelectedElements returned nothing"
              Do While ee2.MoveNext
                If ee2.Current.IsCellElement Then
                  Set ogCell2 = ee2.Current.AsCellElement
                  sname = ogCell2.Name
                  If sname = "" Then
                    sname = "blank"
                  End If
                  dDist = djv_distance(ogCell.Origin, ogCell2.Origin)
                  If dDist < dDistMax Then
                    dAngle = djv_angle(ogCell.Origin, ogCell2.Origin)
                    ogCell.Rotate ogCell.Origin, 0, 0, dAngle
                    Debug.Print ("Cell " + sname + "," + rtos(dDist, 2) + "," + rtos(dAngle, 4) + "," + rtos(ogCell.Origin.x, 2) + "," + rtos(ogCell.Origin.Y, 2) + "," + rtos(ogCell.Origin.Z, 2))
                  End If
                End If
            End If
          End If
      End If
      Set ph = Nothing
      Set ogCell = Nothing
      Set osCell = Nothing
    End Sub
    Function djv_angle(c1 As Point3d, c2 As Point3d) As Double
      Dim dx As Double
      Dim dy As Double
      Dim ang As Double
      dx = c2.x - c1.x
      dy = c2.Y - c1.Y
      If dx = 0 Then
        If dy > 0 Then
            djv_angle = 0.5 * PI
            djv_angle = -0.5 * PI
        End If
        ang = Atn(Abs(dy / dx))
        If dy < 0 Then
            If dx < 0 Then
                ang = ang + PI
                ang = 2 * PI - ang
            End If
        ElseIf dx < 0 Then
            ang = PI - ang
        End If
        djv_angle = ang
      End If
    End Function
    Function djv_distance(c1 As Point3d, c2 As Point3d) As Double
      Dim dx As Double
      Dim dy As Double
      dx = c2.x - c1.x
      dy = c2.Y - c1.Y
      djv_distance = Sqr(dx ^ 2 + dy ^ 2)
    End Function

    Just set the 3 variables below to your case.  You could create a dialog box to set these variables.  

      dDistMax = 50#
      sCellRotate = "TP_MM_Mailbox"
      sCellRotateTo = "TP_MM_WaterTank"

    Here are a before and after shots testing my code.  The circles are 50ft radius.



    Hope this helps.



    Answer Verified By: Eduardo Mendoza 

  • Thanks for doing this Andrew! I will test later this week and let you know how it goes. I really do appreciate this.

    Slight smile

  • Hi Andrew,

    Can you help me with this error when I try to run the code?

  • Hi Eduardo,

    Forgot to include that function plus one other.  Here they are.

    Public Function SepStr(cNum As Integer, str As String, Sep As String)
      Dim Sep_Length As Long
      Dim Str_Length As Long
      Dim startpos1 As Integer, StartPos2 As Integer
      Dim count As Integer
      SepStr = ""
      If str = "" Then GoTo NoString
      Sep_Length = Len(Sep)
      Str_Length = Len(str)
      startpos1 = 1
      StartPos2 = 1
      count = 0
      While count < cNum
        If StartPos2 > 1 Then startpos1 = StartPos2 + Sep_Length
        StartPos2 = InStr(startpos1, str, Sep, 1)
        If StartPos2 = 0 Then StartPos2 = Str_Length + 1
        If Sep = " " And startpos1 = StartPos2 Then
          count = count + 1
        End If
      If startpos1 > StartPos2 Then
        SepStr = ""
        SepStr = Mid(str, startpos1, StartPos2 - startpos1)
      End If
    End Function
    Public Function rtos(r As Double, nPrec As Integer) As String
      Dim s As String
      Dim str As String
      Dim j As Integer
      s = Round(r, nPrec)
      str = SepStr(2, s, ".")
      If str = "" And nPrec > 0 Then
        s = s + "."
      End If
      For j = nPrec - 1 To Len(str) Step -1
        s = s + "0"
      Next j
      rtos = s
    End Function

    Hopefully that covers it.



    Answer Verified By: Eduardo Mendoza