[ORD 10.11 C#] Access drainage model from a reference

I've been able to access certain drainage properties I need using a PropertyHandler on drainage node elements when the drainage model is in the active model. I can't get to that information if I'm in a master file with the drainage file referenced. Is this possible?

Below is my code, when the drainage is in the active model, the ConsensusConnection.GetAllGeometricModels() returns the GeoModel with the drainage, if the drainage model is in a reference the GetAllGeometricModels returns nothing.

public static void FindDrainageStructures(string unparsed)
    using (ConsensusConnection consensusConnection = new ConsensusConnection(Session.Instance.GetActiveDgnModel()))
        foreach (GeometricModel geoModel in consensusConnection.GetAllGeometricModels())
            if (geoModel != null)
                Bentley.Civil.Subsurface.SDKNet.SubsurfaceModel act_sueModel = SubsurfaceModel.Create(geoModel);
                IEnumerable<Node> sue_nodes = act_sueModel.GetNodes();

                foreach (Node node in sue_nodes)
                    Element element = node.Element;
                    BIM.Element comElement = BMI.Utilities.ComApp.ActiveModelReference.GetElementByID(element.ElementId);

                    Bentley.Interop.MicroStationDGN.PropertyHandler propertyHandler = Bentley.MstnPlatformNET.InteropServices.Utilities.ComApp.CreatePropertyHandler(comElement);
                    double curbOpeningLength = 0.00;

                    if (propertyHandler != null)
                        if (propertyHandler.SelectByAccessString("Physical_CurbOpeningLength"))
                            string curbOpeningLengthString = propertyHandler.GetValue().ToString();
                            double.TryParse(curbOpeningLengthString, out curbOpeningLength);