Export Model List

Good Morning All,

Is there a way to export the list of all the Models in a V8i SS2 .dgn file?

I just want to be able to easily record all the Models in a file for documentation, to keep track of edits and other possible administrative tasks. It would be very helpful for managing Cell Libraries too. Thanks.

God bless,


  • Is there a way to export the list of all the Models in a V8i SS2 .dgn file?

    FlexiTable can do that.

    It would be very helpful for managing Cell Libraries too.

    A cell is a model: a model is a cell.  A cell library is a DGN file having a .cel extension.

    Regards, Jon Summers
    LA Solutions

  • Thanks Jon,

    I will look into FlexiTable.

    David Sullivan

    Engineering Software Support Engineer

    MS V8i SS2 v08.11.07.492

    MS ORD-CE v10.09.00.91

  • Hi David.

    Is there a way to export the list of all the Models in a V8i SS2 .dgn file?

    Open the Models dialog and here you can select all the desired models and hit CTRL+C and next open the desired program like Notepad or Excel and hit CTRL+V

    You'll get the list with:

    Name | Description | Cell Type | Design File.

    Be mindful that if one of these tabs are turned off in Models dialog the respective data will not be copy.

    Hope this helps and regards


    Answer Verified By: David Sullivan 

  • Hi David,

    it's not clear what information you would like to record (model name onlyu, anything else?) and what level of automation is required (manuall, key-in, batch process...). Jose's advice is the best in my opinion for manual export, which maybe is enough for you. MicroStation V8i (SELECTseries 2) does not provide any reporting functionality.

    An alternative solution when an automation is required (e.g. to record models from more models in batch process) is to use MicroStation VBA macro. I found (and modified a bit) some my older code (I guess I created it for some training ;-)

    Option Explicit
    Const outputFolder = "D:\temp\"
    Public Sub SaveListOfModels()
        Dim outputFileNum As Integer: outputFileNum = 1
        Dim outputFile As String: outputFile = ConstructExportFileFullPath
        Open outputFile For Append As outputFileNum
        SaveListOfModelsToFile outputFileNum
        Close outputFileNum
    End Sub
    Private Sub SaveListOfModelsToFile(fileNum As Integer)
        Dim model As ModelReference
        For Each model In ActiveDesignFile.Models
            Print #fileNum, model.Name
    End Sub
    Private Function ConstructExportFileFullPath() As String
        Dim activeDesignFileName As String: activeDesignFileName = ActiveDesignFile.Name
        Dim exportFileName As String: exportFileName = outputFolder & activeDesignFileName & ".txt"
        ConstructExportFileFullPath = exportFileName
    End Function

    With regards,


  • Hi Jose,

    Thanks, that will work for some of what I hoped to get for information. I was hoping to get more information including: Model Type, 2D/3D, Annotation, and Sheet Name. We will be moving the Cells over to ORD-CE soon and it would be nice to be able to record all the Cell information and be able to track the changes as we make them. I will share this with Jan since he has another good suggestion. Thanks a lot!

    God bless,


    David Sullivan

    Engineering Software Support Engineer

    MS V8i SS2 v08.11.07.492

    MS ORD-CE v10.09.00.91