How to return or get a point with inputs of given point, angle and distance using Microstation VBA


Using : Microstation V8

OS : Windows

I want to know method to get POINT with inputs of  Given POINT, ANGLE and DISTANCE in using Microstation VBA, I have searched Microstation VBA help, but could not find one, can you suggest in this.

Thanks & Regards,


  • Point3dAddAngleDistance is the answer I think

    Sub get_Point()
        Dim given_Point As Point3d
        Dim point_At_Angle As Point3d
        given_Point = Point3dFromXYZ(1#, 1#, 2.2)
            ' Point3dAddAngleDistance Method
            ' Syntax:
            ' Point3d = Object.Point3dAddAngleDistance(point1, AngleRadians, DistanceXY, Dz)
        point_At_Angle = Point3dAddAngleDistance(given_Point, (Pi / 2), 5, 0) ' here Dz =0
        Debug.Print "using Point3dAddAngleDistance :"
        Debug.Print "X= " & point_At_Angle.X & " " & "Y= " & point_At_Angle.Y & " " & "z= " & point_At_Angle.Z
            ' Result :
            ' using Point3dAddAngleDistance:
            ' X= 1 Y= 6 z= 2.2
    End Sub

    what is the use of Point3dFromAngleDistance?

    Thanks & Regards,


  • Hi,

    the method Point3dFromAngleDistance is calculating a Point3D with a given distance and angle from the Origin (xyz=0,0,0).

    Here a small example how this could be used:

    Dim pStart As Point3d
    Dim pEnd As Point3d
    Dim pAdd As Point3d
        pStart = Point3dFromXYZ(10, 20, 10)
        Debug.Print "Start:", pStart.X, pStart.Y, pStart.Z
        pAdd = Point3dFromAngleDistance(Pi / 4, Sqr(2), 10)
        Debug.Print "Add:", pAdd.X, pAdd.Y, pAdd.Z
        pEnd = Point3dAdd(pStart, pAdd)
        Debug.Print "End:", pEnd.X, pEnd.Y, pEnd.Z

    Best regards,
