[V8i VBA] is possible set feature to created shape element?


It's again question about creating own form instead build-in to place a polygon with feature.

I create a shape using Bentley example for VBA:

Private Sub IPrimitiveCommandEvents_DataPoint(point As Point3d, _
    ByVal View As View)
    m_nPoints = m_nPoints + 1
    CommandState.AccuDrawHints.SetOrigin point
    ReDim Preserve m_arrayPoints(0 To m_nPoints - 1)   
    m_arrayPoints(m_nPoints - 1) = point
    If (2 < m_nPoints) Then
        ShowPrompt "Place next point, reset to close the shape"
        ShowPrompt "Place next point"
    End If   

End Sub

Private Sub IPrimitiveCommandEvents_Dynamics(point As Point3d, _
    ByVal oView As View, ByVal drawMode As MsdDrawingMode)

    If (1 = m_nPoints) Then
        '   Draw line from first point to current cursor location
        Dim oLine             As LineElement
        Set oLine = CreateLineElement2(Nothing, m_arrayPoints(0), point)
        oLine.Redraw drawMode
        Dim i           As Integer
        Dim points()    As Point3d
        ReDim points(m_nPoints)
        For i = 0 To m_nPoints - 1
            points(i) = m_arrayPoints(i)
        Next i
        points(m_nPoints) = point ' current cursor location
        Dim oShape As ShapeElement
        Set oShape = CreateShapeElement1(Nothing, points, msdFillModeUseActive)
        oShape.Redraw drawMode
    End If
End Sub
' -------------------------------------------------------
Private Sub IPrimitiveCommandEvents_Keyin(ByVal Keyin As String)
End Sub

Private Sub IPrimitiveCommandEvents_Reset()
    Dim nPoints     As Integer
    If (2 < m_nPoints) Then
       '' Dim oShapes As ShapeElement
        Set oShapes = CreateShapeElement1(Nothing, m_arrayPoints(), msdFillModeUseActive)
        ActiveModelReference.AddElement oShapes
        ''oShapes.IsHighlighted = True
    End If   
    CommandState.StartPrimitive Me
End Sub

Private Sub IPrimitiveCommandEvents_Start()
    ShowCommand "VBA Place Shape Example"
    ShowPrompt "Place first point for shape"
    Erase m_arrayPoints
    m_nPoints = 0
End Sub

How  I could add feature information to my created shape?

Sincerely Yours,


  • Hi Julia,

    in VBA, the code can look like this:

    ' Create a shape here
    ' Set oShape = CreateShapeElement1(Nothing, vertices, msdFillModeUseActive)
    ' It's what you have already.

    Dim oFeature As New xft.feature
    oFeature.Name = <feature name> 'e.g. oFeature.Name = "PowerLine"
    oFeature.InitializeProperties "placing"
    oFeature.Geometry = oShape
    ' You can also modify default values of the feature
    oFeature.SetProperty <propety name>, <value> 'e.g. oFeature.SetProperty "Voltage", "12kV"
    oFeature.Write False

    I suppose you will be able to transform it to C# code easily. Openly, I don't know if it's the best and/or recommended way, but it works fine so far for me ;-)

    In general, what you have to do to create a feature in own way:

    • Create MicroStation element, which will be the feature geometry, but don't add it to an active model.
    • Create feature.
    • Set the element as the feature geometry.
    • (optionally) Initialize properties, "placing" key is often good choice, because it will initialize feature properties the same way as it will be done if you use GUI.
    • Modify property values if required and apply changes.
    • Write the feature to the design file.

    With regards,


  • Hello, Jan

    Thanks a lot!! Your help is great!!!!

    Sincerely Yours,


  • Hi Julia,

    one note (I am a bit busy now): There is no reason to use Set oShapes.Level = ActiveDesignFile.Levels.Find(frmComboPlace.txtNewPType.Value) in your code. Level has to be defined in feature definition, so you can create the shape using default level and ApplyAttributeChanges will move the shape geometry to the level as defined in XFM project.

    I will try to find some time to check the definition, but not able to promise it for sure now.

    With regards,


  • Dear Jan,

    finally I found whats was wrong! :-) All of 34 incorrect features FillType is AreaPattern.

              <FillType useCriteria="ekspluatacijas aizsargjoslas teritorija ap radioteleskopu">AreaPattern<Angle>315</Angle><AngleFromElement>false</AngleFromElement><CellName>simbols3</CellName><ColumnSpacing>12</ColumnSpacing><GenAssocRegions>false</GenAssocRegions><RowSpacing>12</RowSpacing><Scale></Scale><Snappable>false</Snappable><Tolerance></Tolerance><TrueScale>false</TrueScale><RGBColor red="50" green="0" blue="100" /><Color></Color><Weight>0</Weight><Style>stils0</Style></FillType>

    But, if is this FillType with mistakes how build-in form can create shapes with correct features?

  • Hi Julia,

    it's good to know you solve the problem.

    Unknown said:
    But, if is this FillType with mistakes how build-in form can create shapes with correct features?

    Well, I think XFM engine doesn't know what the correct feature is, it simply follows XFM project definition and a bit accidentally the result is the correct one.

    If you will examine xfmStdOpsLib.mvba (mine is in C:\Program Files (x86)\Bentley\MapStandalone V8i\MapStandalone\vba\) and will start with PlacePolygon method, you will see the code behind is more complex and use different concept than yours. It's general and Command Manager is used, so probably the code behind some method is more robust and is able to resist against XFM project definitions errors better.

    In my humble opinion, an imperfection exist in your XFM project (but I am aware I have seen only a part of it and it doesn't relate to the discussed level/fill problem directly): If you use Criteria to define any Feature Symbology parameter, you should always define default value of the setting. Because criterias for a particular parameter are evaluated in an order as are defined in GSA, the default parameter is the last row and it should be defined as fixed value without any criteria. As you probably know, this row cannot be deleted.

    I usually use values not used anywhere in the project (default level, "strange" color, weight and style etc.), so any any error exist in the definition, so criteria are not evaluated, the value is still exactly defined and model can be searched for it as a kind of data quality test. Otherwise, what is result value if no criteria passed evaluation and there is no default value?

    With regards,


  • Hello, Jan

    the problem was very easy - symbols, which used in this AreaPattern just not created and saved yet :-)) And build-in form also draw only line, but not fill. For me, it's good news that my code is less or more correct.

    One more time want to tell that Your help was amazing. Thanks a lot.

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