[V8i C#] Cancelling XFT LocateOperation on mouse Right-Click


I am developing Addin that uses XFT LocateOperation like this:

using XFT = Bentley.Interop.Xft;

TextIdentifyFeatureLocateOperation oo = new TextIdentifyFeatureLocateOperation();XFT.locateOp oLocateOp = new XFT.locateOp();
XFT.InputValue useSelectionSetValue = new XFT.InputValue();
oLocateOp.EnableOperationAutoLocate = true;
oLocateOp.ScanAtPoint = true;
oLocateOp.ScanReferenceAttachments = false;
oLocateOp.IncludeOnlyFeatures = true;
oLocateOp.Mode = XFT.LocateOpMode.locateOpModeIdentify;
oLocateOp.ClearSelectionSet = false;
useSelectionSetValue.SetTypeAndValue(XFT.ValueType.ValueType_VALUE, "False");
oLocateOp.AutoAcceptSelectionSet = false;
oLocateOp.UseSelectionSet = useSelectionSetValue;
XFT.CmdMgr cmm = new XFT.CmdMgr();
cmm.StartLocateOperation(oLocateOp, oo);

So the user selects feature and it is being processed in the OnFinished event. After that I start the locate operation again so user could select another feature. But what I need is to provide ability to cancel that locate operation by pressing mouse right-button anywhere in the view. Is that possible as XFT.ILocateOpEvents does not have Reset event?

Thanks in advance

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