[MSCE U17 C++] Create custom SrNoProvider for Report Definition Sr.No. column

In MicroStation Update17, we have introduced Sr.No. column functionality in report definition.

Sr.No. can be generated by using following inbuilt formats:

In MicroStation Update17 we have introduced a way to add custom Sr. No. 
SDK Sample:

In this blog, you will learn to introduce the custom Sr.No. provider implementation.    

This is available at: ..\examples\DgnEC\ ReportSrNoColumnExample


Step 1: Implement Bentley::DgnPlatform::ISrNoProvider:

Bentley::DgnPlatform::ISrNoProvider is an abstract class, available under Bentley::DgnPlatform namespace in Bentley.DgnPlatform5.dll.
In the class, the constructor sets the unique value of the provider and priority value.
Implement _CalculateSrNo ().
_CalculateSrNo (): Add custom implementation using which the Sr.No values will be processed. e.g. 1), 2), 3) ….etc.  
A sample implementation is:

* @bsiclass                                                              Bentley Systems
* This is a custom SrNo class which implements ISrNoProvider.
class CustomSrNo : public Bentley::DgnPlatform::ISrNoProvider
        CustomSrNo(WCharCP formatName, int priority);
    protected :
        virtual bool _CalculateSrNo(int rowIndex, WStringR result) override;

* Constructor of CustomSrNo
* @bsimethod                                                              Bentley Systems
CustomSrNo::CustomSrNo(WCharCP formatName, int priority) : Bentley::DgnPlatform::ISrNoProvider(formatName, priority)

* This is a custom SrNo provider which generates Sr.No. as 1), 2), 3) etc.
* @bsimethod                                                              Bentley Systems
bool CustomSrNo::_CalculateSrNo(int rowIndex, WStringR result)
    if (rowIndex < 0)
        return false;

    WChar wStrSrNo[6] = { 0 }; 
    if (BentleyStatus::SUCCESS != BeStringUtilities::Itow(wStrSrNo, rowIndex, 6, 10))
        return false;
    result = wStrSrNo;
    result += L")";
    return true;

Step 2: Register Provider:

* This function is called on key-in: ReportExample SRNOCOLUMN REGISTERCUSTOMSRNO
* @bsimethod                                                            Bentley Systems
void RegisterCustomSrNo()
    WString displayName = L"1), 2), 3)...";
    WString srNoProviderName = L"SrNoCustomFormat";
    s_customSrNo = new CustomSrNo(srNoProviderName.c_str(), DgnECManager::GetManager().GetNextPriorityValueForSrNo());
    if (nullptr != s_customSrNo)
        mdlOutput_messageCenter(OutputMessagePriority::Info, L"Initialized custom Sr. No. Provider", NULL, OutputMessageAlert::None);

Step 3: See it running:
With this sample app you must execute the following key-ins:

User need to load the dll using Keyins dialog box.
mdl load ReportSrNoColumnExample


After executing the following keyin :  SRNOCOLUMN DEMORESULT we can see the .csv file is saved in MS_TMP directory. The results of the csv file are :


Circle,10.00 in,1)
Circle,10.00 in,2)
Shape,10.00 in,3)
Shape,10.00 in,4)
Shape,10.00 in,5)
Line,10.00 in,6)
Line,10.00 in,7)
Line,10.00 in,8)
Line,10.00 in,9)

The last column of the .csv is Sr.No. column and numbers are appended with ")" sign.   

Note: SDK sample should be available in MicroStation Update17.