Read EC attributes from AutoPLANT file


I'm attempting to extract EC-attributes from an AutoPLANT i-model. The sample model i'm using can be downloaded from this link:

This file contain only a single element, and have attributes of the type Piping Component.

I'm using the following code to extract EC-attributes, this code works fine with i-models created in MicroStation.

void attributesFromECAttribute(MSElementDescr *ElDscr, DgnModelRefP modelRef)


ElementRef elemRef;
 UInt32 filePos;
 BXN::StringListHandle slHandle;

// init businessdata
 WString rootName("_");
 Bentley::XMLInstanceAPI::Native::XmlInstanceStatus iStatus;
 Bentley::XMLInstanceAPI::Native::XmlInstanceApi apiRef(GetAPI(iStatus));

// read elementRef
 filePos = mdlElmdscr_getFilePos(ElDscr); 
 elemRef = mdlModelRef_getElementRef(modelRef, filePos);

// read the EC attributes
 slHandle = apiRef.ReadInstances(iStatus,elemRef);

// nr of attributes
 int count = slHandle.GetCount();  // return 0 elements on the AutoPLANT sample model



Bjørn Egil Jenssen

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