[CONNECT C++] How to move Caret to End of Run?

Given a TextNode that has as the first Paragraph:

ABYX~ \ ab<cr>


I want to set a Caret to the End of a Run so I can do this and get the "plain text":

wprintf(L"[%s]\n", textBlock->ToString(*runCaret, *endOfCurrentRun));


So I do this:

CaretPtr		endOfCurrentRun = runCaret->Clone();

and I get the <cr> included (The "length" is reported as 11). If I do this:

CaretPtr		endOfCurrentRun = runCaret->Clone();


I get "ABYZ~ \ ab". (The length is reported as 9) The ending "c' is left off.

So. how to set the "endOfCurrentRun" Caret to return the proper, complete string? I am interested in getting the Carets set properly, NOT the resulting string. I'm just using the string to verify the Caret positions..

