[CONNECT C++] Using a RunRange

Using a RunRange is a very easy way to navigate the parts of a TextBlock. However, There seems to be very little one can actually use it for (ToString() and GetProperties() functions). I have a desired to be able to utilize FindText() on ONLY certain sections (i.e. runs) of a TextBlock. It *seems* it is not possible to obtain the start and ending caret of the RunCR when using a "for each..." construct on a RunRange. IF only it were possible...


RunRange				runRange(*textBlock);
for each(RunCR  thisRun in runRange)
    // wish I could get start and end carets for "thisRun"

What I've tried is to create a TextBlock that represents the text of the "thisRun". However, when the temporary textBlock is made, all character encodings are lost when the TextBlock is created:


TextBlockPtr			tempTextBlock = textEdit->GetTextPart(eeh, *textPartId);
tempTextBlock->Remove(*textBlock->CreateStartCaret(), *textBlock->CreateEndCaret());
tempTextBlock->AppendText(thisRun.ToString().c_str());  // We lose all encodings....


If there is a way to get Carets for the current RunCR please inform me.
