[V8i VB.NET]Running AddIn from network location

I found some posts on this forum about this same problem. Trying to run an AddIn from a network drive in the local network runs in to SecurityExceptions. I specifically found some posts where someone was sneering at Microsoft for having a bad security policy.

As test I wrote a dll with 1 Shared Sub and placed it on the exact same network location. In this Sub I demand FullTrust for calling the Sub and I make a call to Process.Start("Notepad") which also requires Full Trust. I then wrote an exe which I ran from the local harddisk. This program loads the dll as an Assembly by calling Assemly.LoadFile([dll-location]). Then using Reflection I call the Sub. This runs flawlessly, Notepad opens.

The test shows me that my network location is trusted by my .NET configuration, but when I'm running MicroStation it's suddenly not trusted. As long as I'm not missing a very obvious thing, to me this shows that it's Bentley that made an error, and not Microsoft. Is there a solution for this by now, as the posts i found were 3 and 5 years old. Or will this be fixed with the new .NET API in the next version?


This question has 2 answers. Jan gives the right answer out of the box. Robert gives the solution with a little unsupported modification of the config.