error message of death

i keep getting an exception log file that among most of the garage, has this:

JMDL & Java VM states:
Could not open shared memory region msjprobe_ustation, error = 2. 

now i have re-installed the lastest version of Java. and still no luck.

I am trying to open a dgn that was original v7j and then converted. I don't have any clue what else is the problem.

if anyone wants the minidump file or the log file, i am happy to give it away.

Need help please, email me any questions.


  • Could you provide the file this is happening with? Also, do you have a "copy" of the original? Could you provide some history as to what created the file? And what might have been run on it? Is this happening on other files? What happens if you switch workspaces? Is the file local or on a network? What 8-digit version (ie. v##.##.##.##) of MicroStation are you running? Any other applications besides that? Are you submitting the error logs (and if so, including your e-mail address) so we can take a look at those?