Good Morning, I have a problem porting my apps from mdl to native code.

I've modified my code as it written in the link below reported


But when i compile with microstation shell the next error appear:

[== Building C:\Programmi\Bentley\Program\MicroStation\mdl\objects\UserCase.obj, (D:\Codice\ESEMPI~3\UserCase2\mdl\UserCase.cpp) ==]
cl  -GX  -Dtarget_is_dlm  -IC:\Programmi\Bentley\Program\MicroStation\mdl\include -I -IC:\Programmi\Bentley\Program\MicroStation\mdl\include\geom -IC:\Programmi
\Bentley\Program\MicroStation\mdl\objects -G5dF -D_X86_=1 -Di386=1  -c -W3 -DWIN32 -DwinNT -MD -D_VISCXX -DWIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN -Od  -nologo -WX -Zi -Od -GZ -Oy-
  -FoC:\Programmi\Bentley\Program\MicroStation\mdl\objects\UserCase.obj D:\Codice\ESEMPI~3\UserCase2\mdl\UserCase.cpp
C:\Programmi\Bentley\Program\MicroStation\mdl\include\toolsubs.h(45) : fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'stdio.h': No such file or directory

I tryed to compile an example but I have the same result.

What can i do?


  • #include paths

    stdio.h is in the \MicroStation\mdl\include\stdlib folder. If you use the Bentley development shell to set the environment before building your application, that folder should be included in the search paths automatically.

    You can check by using the Bentley development shell to open a command window, then use the Windows SET command to display the environment settings. You should see something like this …


    [Note: the third -I is not used in V8.5 2004 Edition - it refers to the MicroStationAPI, which is delivered with XM and later]

    Regards, Jon Summers
    LA Solutions

    Regards, Jon Summers
    LA Solutions

  • #include paths

    stdio.h is in the \MicroStation\mdl\include\stdlib folder. If you use the Bentley development shell to set the environment before building your application, that folder should be included in the search paths automatically.

    You can check by using the Bentley development shell to open a command window, then use the Windows SET command to display the environment settings. You should see something like this …


    [Note: the third -I is not used in V8.5 2004 Edition - it refers to the MicroStationAPI, which is delivered with XM and later]

    Regards, Jon Summers
    LA Solutions

    Regards, Jon Summers
    LA Solutions
