Delete an element


    I have placed two different elements in the same file position. The two elements are of different tagset. One is signal tagset and other element is internet tagset.

I want to delete only the element with internet tagset by passing the file position. Is it possible.

If i use this,

mdlElement_undoableDelete( NULL, file_pos, TRUE);

it will delete the two elements. But it should not be happened.

Please help me.



  • happynjoy said:
    mdlElement_undoableDelete (NULL, file_pos, TRUE); it will delete the two elements.

    Each element has a unique file position within its model. File position is terminology that survived from earlier versions of MicroStation — in V8 it's no more than a sequential index into a cache.

    When you call mdlElement_undoableDelete, it is looking for the element at the specified file position within the active model. If it deletes more than one element then something else is wrong.

    Perhaps you could reveal a little more code.

    • What element are you attempting to delete?
    • How do you obtain file_pos?
    • Why are the tag sets relevant?

    Regards, Jon Summers
    LA Solutions

    Regards, Jon Summers
    LA Solutions

  • First, you should show us, how you added two elements with same file position. I do not think it is possible, all you could do is to place them under one header or as a chain, so they look to be on one file position because there is a conjunction between elements in their descriptors. You can try to read element's descriptor at that position, set its 'next' and 'previous' to NULL, rewrite it and then delete it.


  • First, you should show us, how you added two elements with same file position. I do not think it is possible, all you could do is to place them under one header or as a chain, so they look to be on one file position because there is a conjunction between elements in their descriptors. You can try to read element's descriptor at that position, set its 'next' and 'previous' to NULL, rewrite it and then delete it.


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