Exporting CAD files from GIS (Seed files)

Does anyone know how to find .dgn seed files for specific coordinate systems in GIS? Or, does anyone know how a Seed_file is created?

  • most gis systems will reproject  data to the defined coordinate system being used or desired..

    microstation pre v8i just uses cartesian coordinates as they are ....

    So I'm not sure what your trying to do and what GIS your using..

    .. when I was working in gis  you needed to tell the gis system what datum or coordinate system the dgn was in before you imported it.. because before v8i there was no data in microstation telling the gis what was the datum.


    Started msnt work 1990 - Retired  Nov 2022 ( oh boy am I old )

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    MicroStation user since 1990 Melbourne Australia.
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  • hanklink said:
    does anyone know how a Seed_file is created?

    A seed file is nothing more than a DGN file.  When you create a new DGN file, it is copied from a seed file.

    Use a seed file to set up your standards.  A seed file defines your cartesian master and sub-units.  It may contain other settings that you want to standardise, although these days it is more common to use a separate set of DGNLIBs.

    You can create your own seed file.  Save a DGN with whatever settings you want as 'myseedfile.dgn' in the same folder as the other seed files.  Use configuration variables to tell MicroStation where to look for seed files (MS_SEEDFILES) and which file to use by default (MS_DESIGNSEED).

    Finally, you've posted this general MicroStation question to the Programming Forum.  Your question is not about programming.  You would be better off posting MicroStation questions to the MicroStation XM Forum, where you would reach a wider audience.

    Regards, Jon Summers
    LA Solutions