Calling VBA from mdl code


I want to pass an argument Celldescr from mdl programme to VBA code.

i know how to call a VBA macro from mdl,

mdlInput_sendKeyin("vba run myvba",0,1,NULL);

But i don't  know how to pass a Celldescr from mdl to VBA and how to get it from VBA?

Please,Can anyone give me a solution?



  • Jeyan:

    I want to pass an argument from MDL programme to VBA code. I know how to call a VBA macro from MDL:

    mdlInput_sendKeyin ("vba run myvba", 0, 1, NULL);

    There are several ways, some more elegant than others:

    1. Pass arguments on the command line: VBA RUN <macro> <args>
    2. Commands can be sent from a Visual Basic program to an MDL program through CadInputQueue.SendMessageToApplication. See VBA help: search for 'Interacting with MDL'
    3. Via configuration variables: define your own variable, set its value in one language and collect it in the other
    4. Call VBA directly using mdlVBA_xxx functions. Here's an example
    5. By published (public) variables — this is also discussed in VBA help

    Regards, Jon Summers
    LA Solutions

    Regards, Jon Summers
    LA Solutions

  • Just one note about my "research" around this issue :-)

    To have mdlVBA_executeLine usable, there should be at least one VBA project loaded.

    By default is loaded Default project, but its presence is not guaranteed.


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