How to toggle Attachment annotation scale?

Hi all,

I am making a lot of sheet setups, with varying scaled references. I have text elements with information in my model.
Using the reference dialog manual toggles, I can activate the "Use Active Annotation Scale" to get the text to display at precisely the correct scale regardless of the reference scale. That is Awesome!

How do I toggle the "Use Annotation scale" on a reference? (using vba obviously)


  • Please, how do I toggle this value?


    System: Win7 64bit 16GB Ram - microStation V8i SS3 + PoinTools CONNECT. - Intel i7-4800MQ CPU@2.70GHz, 4 core / 8 Logic proc.

  • Update: Nothing revealed using the PropertyHandler method and GetAccessStrings... nothing I tell you.

    No keyin or vba in the uStation manual (Reference Attachment Settings dialog)


    System: Win7 64bit 16GB Ram - microStation V8i SS3 + PoinTools CONNECT. - Intel i7-4800MQ CPU@2.70GHz, 4 core / 8 Logic proc.

  • Ok. Got it..

    I needed to have the sheet ACTIVE, then reference the attachment by element ID.

    I then got a bunch of other props, just as if I had selected the attachment!

    I wish it just worked with a variablereference to the attachment even though it is in another (sheet)model,
    as the flickering as a result of going back and forth between model and sheets looks amateurish to say the least... sigh

    System: Win7 64bit 16GB Ram - microStation V8i SS3 + PoinTools CONNECT. - Intel i7-4800MQ CPU@2.70GHz, 4 core / 8 Logic proc.

  • Hi Torben, I also wish to do this and couldn't find any helpful information.

    Do you have VBA code for this that you would be willing to send me please?

  • The MicroStation VBA object model does not currently provide a way to set reference attachment model propery to UseAnnotationScale.  Below is some VBA code that calls MDL to set reference the reference attachment use annotation properly.  Simply pass a complete or partial reference file name; where a partial file name performs a wild card search of matching attachments, and if you want UseAnnotationScale set to True or False.

    ' ModelReference - annotation parameters
    Declare Function mdlRefFile_getParameters Lib "stdmdlbltin.dll" (name As Long, ByVal paramName As Long, ByVal modelRef As Long) As Long
    Declare Function mdlRefFile_setParameters Lib "stdmdlbltin.dll" (ByVal param As Long, ByVal paramName As Long, ByVal modelRef As Long) As Long
    Sub ModelReferenceSetAnnotationScale_TEST()
        ModelReferenceSetAnnotationScale "Ref1", True
    End Sub
    Sub ModelReferenceSetAnnotationScale(sRefFileName As String, bEnabled As Boolean)
        Dim oRef As Attachment
        Dim lUseAnnotationScale As Long
        Dim rtc As Long
        ' Iterate through ModelReference attachments
        For Each oRef In ActiveModelReference.Attachments
            ' Handle missing file case
            If oRef.IsMissingFile Then
                Debug.Print "Missing File: " & oRef.DesignFile.FullName
                Exit Sub
            End If
            ' Process valid file
            If oRef.DesignFile.FullName Like "*" & sRefFileName & "*" Then
                Debug.Print "Request to modify Annotation Scale for: " & oRef.DesignFile.FullName
                ' Get annotation scale current value
                rtc = mdlRefFile_getParameters(lUseAnnotationScale, REFERENCE_USEANNOTATIONSCALE, oRef.MdlModelRefP)
                If CBool(lUseAnnotationScale) = bEnabled Then
                    Debug.Print "No need to modify Attachment. UseAnnotationScale currently set to: " & bEnabled
                    Exit Sub
                    ' Set annotation scale desired value
                    Debug.Print "Previous UseAnnotationScale: " & CBool(lUseAnnotationScale) & ", Status: " & rtc
                    lUseAnnotationScale = CLng(bEnabled)
                    rtc = mdlRefFile_setParameters(lUseAnnotationScale, REFERENCE_USEANNOTATIONSCALE, oRef.MdlModelRefP)
                    Debug.Print "Setting UseAnnotationScale: " & CBool(lUseAnnotationScale) & ", Status: " & rtc
                End If
            End If
    End Sub

    FYI.  A community member pointed out that they had trouble locating the value for REFERENCE_USEANNOTATIONSCALE macro above.  This macro can be located in the MDL SDK mdl.h header file as:


  • The MicroStation VBA object model does not currently provide a way to set reference attachment model propery to UseAnnotationScale.  Below is some VBA code that calls MDL to set reference the reference attachment use annotation properly.  Simply pass a complete or partial reference file name; where a partial file name performs a wild card search of matching attachments, and if you want UseAnnotationScale set to True or False.

    ' ModelReference - annotation parameters
    Declare Function mdlRefFile_getParameters Lib "stdmdlbltin.dll" (name As Long, ByVal paramName As Long, ByVal modelRef As Long) As Long
    Declare Function mdlRefFile_setParameters Lib "stdmdlbltin.dll" (ByVal param As Long, ByVal paramName As Long, ByVal modelRef As Long) As Long
    Sub ModelReferenceSetAnnotationScale_TEST()
        ModelReferenceSetAnnotationScale "Ref1", True
    End Sub
    Sub ModelReferenceSetAnnotationScale(sRefFileName As String, bEnabled As Boolean)
        Dim oRef As Attachment
        Dim lUseAnnotationScale As Long
        Dim rtc As Long
        ' Iterate through ModelReference attachments
        For Each oRef In ActiveModelReference.Attachments
            ' Handle missing file case
            If oRef.IsMissingFile Then
                Debug.Print "Missing File: " & oRef.DesignFile.FullName
                Exit Sub
            End If
            ' Process valid file
            If oRef.DesignFile.FullName Like "*" & sRefFileName & "*" Then
                Debug.Print "Request to modify Annotation Scale for: " & oRef.DesignFile.FullName
                ' Get annotation scale current value
                rtc = mdlRefFile_getParameters(lUseAnnotationScale, REFERENCE_USEANNOTATIONSCALE, oRef.MdlModelRefP)
                If CBool(lUseAnnotationScale) = bEnabled Then
                    Debug.Print "No need to modify Attachment. UseAnnotationScale currently set to: " & bEnabled
                    Exit Sub
                    ' Set annotation scale desired value
                    Debug.Print "Previous UseAnnotationScale: " & CBool(lUseAnnotationScale) & ", Status: " & rtc
                    lUseAnnotationScale = CLng(bEnabled)
                    rtc = mdlRefFile_setParameters(lUseAnnotationScale, REFERENCE_USEANNOTATIONSCALE, oRef.MdlModelRefP)
                    Debug.Print "Setting UseAnnotationScale: " & CBool(lUseAnnotationScale) & ", Status: " & rtc
                End If
            End If
    End Sub

    FYI.  A community member pointed out that they had trouble locating the value for REFERENCE_USEANNOTATIONSCALE macro above.  This macro can be located in the MDL SDK mdl.h header file as:


  • Hi,

    with the migration to CONNECT Edition the functions mdlRefFile_getParameters and mdlRefFile_setParameters were replaced by a set of new type dedicated functions like mdlRefFile_getBooleanParameters and mdlRefFile_setBooleanParameters.
    The following Code example could be an example of migration to CONNECT Edition:

    Option Explicit
    ' ModelReference - annotation parameters
    Declare PtrSafe Function mdlRefFile_getBooleanParameters Lib "stdmdlbltin.dll" (ByRef value As Long, ByVal paramName As Long, ByVal modelRef As LongPtr) As Long
    Declare PtrSafe Function mdlRefFile_setBooleanParameters Lib "stdmdlbltin.dll" (ByVal value As Long, ByVal paramName As Long, ByVal modelRef As LongPtr) As Long
    Sub ModelReferenceSetAnnotationScale_TEST()
        ModelReferenceSetAnnotationScale "Ref", True
    End Sub
    Sub ModelReferenceSetAnnotationScale(sRefFileName As String, bEnabled As Boolean)
        Dim oRef As Attachment
        Dim lUseAnnotationScale As Long
        Dim rtc As Long
        ' Iterate through ModelReference attachments
        For Each oRef In ActiveModelReference.Attachments
            ' Handle missing file case
            If oRef.IsMissingFile Then
                Debug.Print "Missing File: " & oRef.DesignFile.FullName
                Exit Sub
            End If
            ' Process valid file
            If oRef.DesignFile.FullName Like "*" & sRefFileName & "*" Then
                Debug.Print "Request to modify Annotation Scale for: " & oRef.DesignFile.FullName
                ' Get annotation scale current value
                rtc = mdlRefFile_getBooleanParameters(lUseAnnotationScale, REFERENCE_USEANNOTATIONSCALE, oRef.MdlModelRefP)
                If CBool(lUseAnnotationScale) = bEnabled Then
                    Debug.Print "No need to modify Attachment. UseAnnotationScale currently set to: " & bEnabled
                    ' Set annotation scale desired value
                    Debug.Print "Previous UseAnnotationScale: " & CBool(lUseAnnotationScale) & ", Status: " & rtc
                    lUseAnnotationScale = CLng(bEnabled)
                    rtc = mdlRefFile_setBooleanParameters(lUseAnnotationScale, REFERENCE_USEANNOTATIONSCALE, oRef.MdlModelRefP)
                    Debug.Print "Setting UseAnnotationScale: " & CBool(lUseAnnotationScale) & ", Status: " & rtc
                End If
            End If
    End Sub

    Best regards,
