microstation license check


is there any way to check if microstation is properly licensed or crack version?



  • Check if MicroStation is Licensed

    You can use the following MDL function to check MicroStation's license status.

    Place the following declaration at the beginning of a VBA module, before any code …

    Declare Function mdlLicense_isRegisteredProduct Lib "stdmdlbltin.dll" ( ) As Long

    Here's the VBA function that wraps the MDL …

    Public Function IsMicroStationRegistered () As Boolean
       IsMicroStationRegistered = (0 <> mdlLicense_isRegisteredProduct ())
    End Function

    Usage …

    If IsMicroStationRegistered() Then
       Debug.Print "MicroStation is registered"
       Debug.Print "MicroStation is not registered"

    Note: I haven't tested that code. You may have to debug it.

    Regards, Jon Summers
    LA Solutions

    Regards, Jon Summers
    LA Solutions

  • I have tried on Microstation with proper license, 30 day trial license and cracked license.

    IsMicroStationRegistered function gives True for all of them.

  • Unknown said:
    I have tried on Microstation with proper license, 30 day trial license

    That's working as intended.

    Unknown said:
    I have tried on Microstation with  cracked license.

    You really should talk to Bentley Systems about that!

    Regards, Jon Summers
    LA Solutions

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