[CONNECT MicroStationAPI] ECRelationships


I'm attempting to traverse all related EC instances, starting with a DgnECInstance object. Is there a way to do this without knowing the name of the related classes? 

The sample project DgnECExample shows how to get related instances, but it only shows how to do this if you know the name of the relationship class ("WidgetHasGadgets" for example). I'm looking for a way to traverse all relationships of a given instance without knowing any class names.


DgnECInstancePtr instance  = *allready aquired*

QueryRelatedClassSpecifierPtr relClassSpec = *I want all related classes*

for each (DgnECInstancePtr relInstance in dgnECManager.FindRelatedInstances(*instance, *relClassSpec, DgnECInstanceCreateContext()))

    wprintf(L"Found something\n");

