[V8i VBA] Attaching a raster from URL with username and password


I have a question regarding attaching a raster from URL via VBA in MicroStation V8i.

The following code snipplet works fine. My question is: Is it possible to send a username / password via URL (which works in Firefox).

Dim strWMSRequest As String
strWMSRequest = "geodaten.metropoleruhr.de/.../spw_farbe;request=GetMap&version=1.3.0&Layers=spw_farbe&bbox=351892.9,5690179.8,367862.9,5699895.5&Width=1623&Height=987&Format=image/jpeg&CRS=epsg:25832"

Dim strLogName As String
strLogName = "Stadtplan-Farbe UTM"

Dim strDesc As String
strDesc = "RVR Stadtplan, Farbe"

Dim oRaster As Raster
Set oRaster = oRasters.Attach(strWMSRequest, msdView1, msdAttachReference, msdFileAccessModeRead, strLogName, strDesc)

' Does this work? HTTP transaction via basic access authentication with URL encoding...
' strWMSRequest = "geodaten.metropoleruhr.de/.../spw_farbe..."