[V8i C++] Want MstnElementSetTool to support "drag select" and "multiple picks"

I'm trying to get my MstnElementSetTool to allow the user to either 1) single pick an element, 2) drag select elements, and 3) pick an element then use "ctrl" pick to add/remove selections. The tool needs no dynamics, and I would prefer that OnElementModify() get called only once for the selected elements...The tool won't "modify" and existing elements - I just need to use the selected elements to determine what "new" elements to add to the model  (IsModifyOriginal() return false ) - that's why I don't want OnElementModify() called as the cursor moves..


So far I've got "drag select" to build a selection set "on the fly", but OnElementModify() is called on all selected elements after I "accept" the selection. Then the second datapoint crashes MicroStation.


Additionally, OnPostLocate() DOESN'T seem to get called when doing "drag select" - is this by design or am I doing something wrong?


Are there any examples of how to implement these alternate element selection techniques for an MstnElementSetTool ?




  • I don't have the SS3 examples to dig around in at the moment, so I'll instead post an example from the EAP2 SDK. It won't compile on SS3, and it could be simplified for your specific use case...but it should serve to illustrate how to coordinate what you want with the base class. NOTE: ElementGraphicsTool is just a sub-class of DgnElementSetTool (i.e. it's an MstnElementSetTool).

    Basically you need to override _WantAdditionalLocate to tell the base class you're not done picking elements...

    If you want to operate on the full set of selected element instead of processing them one at a time, you can do this by overriding _ProcessAgenda. This example is for doing 3d booleans with Parasolid, so the operation applies to the set, not the individual elements. I do call super to delete the original elements if the boolean result is ok, you don't have to call super at all.

    OnPostLocate is not called for selection sets, fences, or drag select which is really just defining a fence on the fly. It's called for picking to accept/reject the located element under the cursor. Tools can filter the selected elements (including those from named and graphics groups from pick) by overriding _FilterAgendaEntries.

    If you return false from _WantDynamics, the base class won't start dynamics in _OnDataButton and then _OnElementModify won't get called for each dynamics frame since you said you didn't want dynamics.

    Hopefully the above hints are enough to get you going...otherwise here's that example to mull over.


    * @bsimethod Brien.Bastings 04/13
    bool DgnElementSetTool::WantAdditionalLocateHelper (DgnButtonEventCP ev)
    if (SOURCE_Pick != _GetElemSource ())
    return false;

    if (NULL == ev)
    return true; // Helper method should only be called by multi-locate tools...

    // Require a minumum of a nRequired elements, if control is down select additional elements...
    return (m_agenda.GetCount () < _GetAdditionalLocateNumRequired () || ev->IsControlKey ());

    * @bsimethod Brien.Bastings 04/13
    bool DgnElementSetTool::OnModifierKeyTransitionHelper (bool wentDown, int key)
    bool changed = DgnElementSetTool::_OnModifierKeyTransition (wentDown, key); // Avoid loop...

    if (USES_DRAGSELECT_None != m_inDragMode)
    return changed; // Don't change auto-locate/locate cursor when doing a drag select...

    // Control key state change, may need to enable/disable auto-locate, change cursor, prompts. etc.
    if (KEYMODIFIER_ControlKey != key)
    return changed;

    if (m_agenda.GetCount () < _GetAdditionalLocateNumRequired ())
    return changed;

    _SetLocateCursor (wentDown);

    return true;

    * Example showing how to use ElementGraphicsTool to write a tool for doing boolean
    * operations between elements using the solids kernel api.
    * The base class provides a mechanism for caching geometry collected from elements.
    * Extracting or converting element geometry is potentially an expensive operation; this
    * is particularily true for breps. The geometry cache allows for efficient query operations
    * to be done in the tool's _OnPostLocate method.
    * This tool populates an ElementAgenda of elements that can be represented as surface or
    * solid breps from a pick or selection set. When picking, the tool completes when a
    * minimum of 2 elements have been selected, control can be held to pick additional elements.
    * The tool also supports post-selection using drag select.
    * The _OnElementModify method is used to delete the original elements after a successful
    * boolean result and creation of a new smart solid or surface element.
    * @bsiclass
    struct TestBooleanTool : ElementGraphicsTool
    enum ToolOperation
    OP_BooleanUnion = 0,
    OP_BooleanDifference = 1,
    OP_BooleanIntersection = 2,
    OP_SewSheets = 3,


    ToolOperation m_operation;

    * @bsimethod Brien.Bastings 07/12
    TestBooleanTool (int cmdName, ToolOperation operation)
    SetCmdName (cmdName, 0);
    m_operation = operation;

    * @bsimethod Brien.Bastings 07/12
    virtual bool _IsModifyOriginal () override {return true;} // This is a modify tool, the original elements are consumed/deleted...
    virtual bool _DoGroups () override {return false;} // Don't automatically include members of named and graphic groups...
    virtual bool _WantDynamics () override {return false;}
    virtual bool _NeedAcceptPoint () override {return SOURCE_Pick == _GetElemSource ();}
    virtual bool _WantAccuSnap () override {return false;}
    virtual UsesDragSelect _AllowDragSelect () override {return USES_DRAGSELECT_Box;}

    * @bsimethod Brien.Bastings 07/12
    virtual bool _CollectCurves () override {return false;} // Tool does not support wire bodies...wire bodies won't be collected.
    virtual bool _CollectSurfaces () override {return OP_SewSheets == m_operation;} // Tool supports and collects sheet bodies for sew operation...
    virtual bool _CollectSolids () override {return OP_SewSheets != m_operation;} // Tool supports and collects solid bodies when not sew operation...

    * @bsimethod Brien.Bastings 07/12
    virtual BentleyStatus _OnProcessSolidPrimitive (ISolidPrimitivePtr& geomPtr, DisplayPathCR path) override {return ERROR;} // Promote capped surface to solid body and un-capped surface to sheet body...
    virtual BentleyStatus _OnProcessBsplineSurface (MSBsplineSurfacePtr& geomPtr, DisplayPathCR path) override {return ERROR;} // Promote surface to sheet body...
    virtual BentleyStatus _OnProcessCurveVector (CurveVectorPtr& geomPtr, DisplayPathCR path) override {return ERROR;} // Promote region to sheet body...
    virtual BentleyStatus _OnProcessPolyface (PolyfaceHeaderPtr& geomPtr, DisplayPathCR path) override {return SUCCESS;} // Don't convert a closed mesh to a BRep (and don't collect), can be expensive for large meshes...

    * Require a minumum of two elements, if control is down select additional elements...
    * @bsimethod Brien.Bastings 07/12
    virtual size_t _GetAdditionalLocateNumRequired () override {return 2;}
    virtual bool _WantAdditionalLocate (DgnButtonEventCP ev) override {return WantAdditionalLocateHelper (ev);}
    virtual bool _OnModifierKeyTransition (bool wentDown, int key) override {return OnModifierKeyTransitionHelper (wentDown, key);}

    * @bsimethod Brien.Bastings 07/12
    UInt32 GetPromptMsgIdForCurrentToolState ()
    if (SOURCE_Pick != _GetElemSource ())
    return PROMPT_ExampleAcceptSelection;

    switch (GetElementAgenda ().GetCount ())
    case 0:
    return PROMPT_ExampleIdentifyElement;

    case 1:
    return PROMPT_ExampleAcceptRejectIdentifyNext;

    return PROMPT_ExampleAcceptRejectIdentifyAdditional;

    * All changes to auto-locate/accusnap state and user prompts are done here!!!
    * @bsimethod Brien.Bastings 07/12
    virtual void _SetupAndPromptForNextAction () override
    WString prompt;

    RmgrResource::LoadWString (prompt, 0, STRINGLISTID_Prompts, GetPromptMsgIdForCurrentToolState ());
    NotificationManager::OutputPrompt (prompt.c_str ());

    SetupAndPromptForNextActionHelper (); // Enable/Disable Auto-Locate based on _GetAdditionalLocateNumRequired.

    * Called for each element in tool's ElementAgenda in order to perform modification.
    * @bsimethod Brien.Bastings 07/12
    virtual StatusInt _OnElementModify (EditElementHandleR eeh) override
    eeh.Invalidate ();

    return SUCCESS; // Returning SUCCESS with an invalid EditElementHandle means delete the original element from the model...

    * Return true if this element has the required geometry and should be accepted.
    * @bsimethod Brien.Bastings 07/12
    virtual bool _IsElementValidForOperation (ElementHandleCR eh, HitPathCP path, WStringR cantAcceptReason) override
    // If already verfied by _OnPostLocate there's no reason to re-check for _FilterAgendaEntries.
    if (NULL == path && ModifyElementSource::Selected == GetElementAgenda ().GetSource ())
    return true;

    // Base class implementation returns true if geometry cache isn't empty (assumes tool collects only supported geometry types, in this case BReps).
    if (!__super::_IsElementValidForOperation (eh, path, cantAcceptReason))
    return false;

    // To be valid for modification element should be fully represented by a single solid (or surface for sew command).
    // NOTE: The overridden _Collect and _OnProcess methods have tool only collecting the required geometry, so a simple count check will suffice.
    return (1 == GetElementGraphicsCacheCount (eh) && !IsGeometryMissing (eh));

    * Perform the solid operation on target/tool entities.
    * @bsimethod Brien.Bastings 07/12
    StatusInt DoOperation (ISolidKernelEntityPtr& target, bvector<ISolidKernelEntityPtr>& tool)
    switch (m_operation)
    case OP_BooleanUnion:
    return SolidUtil::Modify::BooleanUnion (target, &tool.front (), tool.size ());

    case OP_BooleanDifference:
    return SolidUtil::Modify::BooleanSubtract (target, &tool.front (), tool.size ());

    case OP_BooleanIntersection:
    return SolidUtil::Modify::BooleanIntersect (target, &tool.front (), tool.size ());

    case OP_SewSheets:
    bvector<ISolidKernelEntityPtr> sewn;
    bvector<ISolidKernelEntityPtr> unsewn;

    tool.push_back (target); // Sew operation works on a single list of tool bodies...

    if (SUCCESS != SolidUtil::Modify::SewBodies (sewn, unsewn, &tool.front (), tool.size (), 1.0e-3) || 1 != sewn.size () || 0 != unsewn.size ())
    return ERROR; // For the purpose of this example a result that isn't a single body or doesn't include all tools is considered a failure.

    target = sewn.front ();

    return SUCCESS;

    return ERROR;

    * Perform the solid operation on the collected geometry. Produce a new smart solid/surface
    * element from the result. Upon successful create/add of a new smart solid/surface,
    * call __super to call _OnElementModify on original elements, which then request they be deleted.
    * @bsimethod Brien.Bastings 07/12
    virtual StatusInt _ProcessAgenda (DgnButtonEventCR ev) override
    ISolidKernelEntityPtr target;
    bvector<ISolidKernelEntityPtr> tool;

    ElementHandleCP first = GetElementAgenda ().GetFirstP ();
    ElementHandleCP end = first + GetElementAgenda ().GetCount ();

    for (ElementHandleCP curr = first; curr < end ; curr++)
    bvector<IElementGraphicsPtr> geomCache;

    if (SUCCESS != GetElementGraphicsCache (*curr, geomCache))

    for each (IElementGraphicsPtr geomPtr in geomCache)
    ISolidKernelEntityPtr entityPtr = TryGetAsBRep (geomPtr);

    if (!entityPtr.IsValid ())

    if (target.IsValid ())
    tool.push_back (entityPtr);
    target = entityPtr;

    if (SUCCESS != DoOperation (target, tool))
    return ERROR;

    EditElementHandle newEeh;

    if (SUCCESS != SolidUtil::Convert::BodyToElement (newEeh, *target, first, *first->GetModelRef ()))
    return ERROR;

    if (SUCCESS != newEeh.AddToModel ())
    return ERROR;

    return __super::_ProcessAgenda (ev); // Delete originals...

    * Install a new instance of the tool. Will be called in response to external events
    * such as undo or by the base class from _OnReinitialize when the tool needs to be
    * reset to it's initial state.
    * @bsimethod Brien.Bastings 07/12
    virtual void _OnRestartTool () override
    InstallNewInstance (GetToolId (), m_operation);


    * Method to create and install a new instance of the tool. If InstallTool returns ERROR,
    * the new tool instance will be freed/invalid. Never call delete on RefCounted classes.
    * @bsimethod Brien.Bastings 07/12
    static void InstallNewInstance (int toolId, ToolOperation operation)
    TestBooleanTool* tool = new TestBooleanTool (toolId, operation);

    tool->InstallTool ();

    }; // TestBooleanTool

  • I don't have the SS3 examples to dig around in at the moment, so I'll instead post an example from the EAP2 SDK. It won't compile on SS3, and it could be simplified for your specific use case...but it should serve to illustrate how to coordinate what you want with the base class. NOTE: ElementGraphicsTool is just a sub-class of DgnElementSetTool (i.e. it's an MstnElementSetTool).

    Basically you need to override _WantAdditionalLocate to tell the base class you're not done picking elements...

    If you want to operate on the full set of selected element instead of processing them one at a time, you can do this by overriding _ProcessAgenda. This example is for doing 3d booleans with Parasolid, so the operation applies to the set, not the individual elements. I do call super to delete the original elements if the boolean result is ok, you don't have to call super at all.

    OnPostLocate is not called for selection sets, fences, or drag select which is really just defining a fence on the fly. It's called for picking to accept/reject the located element under the cursor. Tools can filter the selected elements (including those from named and graphics groups from pick) by overriding _FilterAgendaEntries.

    If you return false from _WantDynamics, the base class won't start dynamics in _OnDataButton and then _OnElementModify won't get called for each dynamics frame since you said you didn't want dynamics.

    Hopefully the above hints are enough to get you going...otherwise here's that example to mull over.


    * @bsimethod Brien.Bastings 04/13
    bool DgnElementSetTool::WantAdditionalLocateHelper (DgnButtonEventCP ev)
    if (SOURCE_Pick != _GetElemSource ())
    return false;

    if (NULL == ev)
    return true; // Helper method should only be called by multi-locate tools...

    // Require a minumum of a nRequired elements, if control is down select additional elements...
    return (m_agenda.GetCount () < _GetAdditionalLocateNumRequired () || ev->IsControlKey ());

    * @bsimethod Brien.Bastings 04/13
    bool DgnElementSetTool::OnModifierKeyTransitionHelper (bool wentDown, int key)
    bool changed = DgnElementSetTool::_OnModifierKeyTransition (wentDown, key); // Avoid loop...

    if (USES_DRAGSELECT_None != m_inDragMode)
    return changed; // Don't change auto-locate/locate cursor when doing a drag select...

    // Control key state change, may need to enable/disable auto-locate, change cursor, prompts. etc.
    if (KEYMODIFIER_ControlKey != key)
    return changed;

    if (m_agenda.GetCount () < _GetAdditionalLocateNumRequired ())
    return changed;

    _SetLocateCursor (wentDown);

    return true;

    * Example showing how to use ElementGraphicsTool to write a tool for doing boolean
    * operations between elements using the solids kernel api.
    * The base class provides a mechanism for caching geometry collected from elements.
    * Extracting or converting element geometry is potentially an expensive operation; this
    * is particularily true for breps. The geometry cache allows for efficient query operations
    * to be done in the tool's _OnPostLocate method.
    * This tool populates an ElementAgenda of elements that can be represented as surface or
    * solid breps from a pick or selection set. When picking, the tool completes when a
    * minimum of 2 elements have been selected, control can be held to pick additional elements.
    * The tool also supports post-selection using drag select.
    * The _OnElementModify method is used to delete the original elements after a successful
    * boolean result and creation of a new smart solid or surface element.
    * @bsiclass
    struct TestBooleanTool : ElementGraphicsTool
    enum ToolOperation
    OP_BooleanUnion = 0,
    OP_BooleanDifference = 1,
    OP_BooleanIntersection = 2,
    OP_SewSheets = 3,


    ToolOperation m_operation;

    * @bsimethod Brien.Bastings 07/12
    TestBooleanTool (int cmdName, ToolOperation operation)
    SetCmdName (cmdName, 0);
    m_operation = operation;

    * @bsimethod Brien.Bastings 07/12
    virtual bool _IsModifyOriginal () override {return true;} // This is a modify tool, the original elements are consumed/deleted...
    virtual bool _DoGroups () override {return false;} // Don't automatically include members of named and graphic groups...
    virtual bool _WantDynamics () override {return false;}
    virtual bool _NeedAcceptPoint () override {return SOURCE_Pick == _GetElemSource ();}
    virtual bool _WantAccuSnap () override {return false;}
    virtual UsesDragSelect _AllowDragSelect () override {return USES_DRAGSELECT_Box;}

    * @bsimethod Brien.Bastings 07/12
    virtual bool _CollectCurves () override {return false;} // Tool does not support wire bodies...wire bodies won't be collected.
    virtual bool _CollectSurfaces () override {return OP_SewSheets == m_operation;} // Tool supports and collects sheet bodies for sew operation...
    virtual bool _CollectSolids () override {return OP_SewSheets != m_operation;} // Tool supports and collects solid bodies when not sew operation...

    * @bsimethod Brien.Bastings 07/12
    virtual BentleyStatus _OnProcessSolidPrimitive (ISolidPrimitivePtr& geomPtr, DisplayPathCR path) override {return ERROR;} // Promote capped surface to solid body and un-capped surface to sheet body...
    virtual BentleyStatus _OnProcessBsplineSurface (MSBsplineSurfacePtr& geomPtr, DisplayPathCR path) override {return ERROR;} // Promote surface to sheet body...
    virtual BentleyStatus _OnProcessCurveVector (CurveVectorPtr& geomPtr, DisplayPathCR path) override {return ERROR;} // Promote region to sheet body...
    virtual BentleyStatus _OnProcessPolyface (PolyfaceHeaderPtr& geomPtr, DisplayPathCR path) override {return SUCCESS;} // Don't convert a closed mesh to a BRep (and don't collect), can be expensive for large meshes...

    * Require a minumum of two elements, if control is down select additional elements...
    * @bsimethod Brien.Bastings 07/12
    virtual size_t _GetAdditionalLocateNumRequired () override {return 2;}
    virtual bool _WantAdditionalLocate (DgnButtonEventCP ev) override {return WantAdditionalLocateHelper (ev);}
    virtual bool _OnModifierKeyTransition (bool wentDown, int key) override {return OnModifierKeyTransitionHelper (wentDown, key);}

    * @bsimethod Brien.Bastings 07/12
    UInt32 GetPromptMsgIdForCurrentToolState ()
    if (SOURCE_Pick != _GetElemSource ())
    return PROMPT_ExampleAcceptSelection;

    switch (GetElementAgenda ().GetCount ())
    case 0:
    return PROMPT_ExampleIdentifyElement;

    case 1:
    return PROMPT_ExampleAcceptRejectIdentifyNext;

    return PROMPT_ExampleAcceptRejectIdentifyAdditional;

    * All changes to auto-locate/accusnap state and user prompts are done here!!!
    * @bsimethod Brien.Bastings 07/12
    virtual void _SetupAndPromptForNextAction () override
    WString prompt;

    RmgrResource::LoadWString (prompt, 0, STRINGLISTID_Prompts, GetPromptMsgIdForCurrentToolState ());
    NotificationManager::OutputPrompt (prompt.c_str ());

    SetupAndPromptForNextActionHelper (); // Enable/Disable Auto-Locate based on _GetAdditionalLocateNumRequired.

    * Called for each element in tool's ElementAgenda in order to perform modification.
    * @bsimethod Brien.Bastings 07/12
    virtual StatusInt _OnElementModify (EditElementHandleR eeh) override
    eeh.Invalidate ();

    return SUCCESS; // Returning SUCCESS with an invalid EditElementHandle means delete the original element from the model...

    * Return true if this element has the required geometry and should be accepted.
    * @bsimethod Brien.Bastings 07/12
    virtual bool _IsElementValidForOperation (ElementHandleCR eh, HitPathCP path, WStringR cantAcceptReason) override
    // If already verfied by _OnPostLocate there's no reason to re-check for _FilterAgendaEntries.
    if (NULL == path && ModifyElementSource::Selected == GetElementAgenda ().GetSource ())
    return true;

    // Base class implementation returns true if geometry cache isn't empty (assumes tool collects only supported geometry types, in this case BReps).
    if (!__super::_IsElementValidForOperation (eh, path, cantAcceptReason))
    return false;

    // To be valid for modification element should be fully represented by a single solid (or surface for sew command).
    // NOTE: The overridden _Collect and _OnProcess methods have tool only collecting the required geometry, so a simple count check will suffice.
    return (1 == GetElementGraphicsCacheCount (eh) && !IsGeometryMissing (eh));

    * Perform the solid operation on target/tool entities.
    * @bsimethod Brien.Bastings 07/12
    StatusInt DoOperation (ISolidKernelEntityPtr& target, bvector<ISolidKernelEntityPtr>& tool)
    switch (m_operation)
    case OP_BooleanUnion:
    return SolidUtil::Modify::BooleanUnion (target, &tool.front (), tool.size ());

    case OP_BooleanDifference:
    return SolidUtil::Modify::BooleanSubtract (target, &tool.front (), tool.size ());

    case OP_BooleanIntersection:
    return SolidUtil::Modify::BooleanIntersect (target, &tool.front (), tool.size ());

    case OP_SewSheets:
    bvector<ISolidKernelEntityPtr> sewn;
    bvector<ISolidKernelEntityPtr> unsewn;

    tool.push_back (target); // Sew operation works on a single list of tool bodies...

    if (SUCCESS != SolidUtil::Modify::SewBodies (sewn, unsewn, &tool.front (), tool.size (), 1.0e-3) || 1 != sewn.size () || 0 != unsewn.size ())
    return ERROR; // For the purpose of this example a result that isn't a single body or doesn't include all tools is considered a failure.

    target = sewn.front ();

    return SUCCESS;

    return ERROR;

    * Perform the solid operation on the collected geometry. Produce a new smart solid/surface
    * element from the result. Upon successful create/add of a new smart solid/surface,
    * call __super to call _OnElementModify on original elements, which then request they be deleted.
    * @bsimethod Brien.Bastings 07/12
    virtual StatusInt _ProcessAgenda (DgnButtonEventCR ev) override
    ISolidKernelEntityPtr target;
    bvector<ISolidKernelEntityPtr> tool;

    ElementHandleCP first = GetElementAgenda ().GetFirstP ();
    ElementHandleCP end = first + GetElementAgenda ().GetCount ();

    for (ElementHandleCP curr = first; curr < end ; curr++)
    bvector<IElementGraphicsPtr> geomCache;

    if (SUCCESS != GetElementGraphicsCache (*curr, geomCache))

    for each (IElementGraphicsPtr geomPtr in geomCache)
    ISolidKernelEntityPtr entityPtr = TryGetAsBRep (geomPtr);

    if (!entityPtr.IsValid ())

    if (target.IsValid ())
    tool.push_back (entityPtr);
    target = entityPtr;

    if (SUCCESS != DoOperation (target, tool))
    return ERROR;

    EditElementHandle newEeh;

    if (SUCCESS != SolidUtil::Convert::BodyToElement (newEeh, *target, first, *first->GetModelRef ()))
    return ERROR;

    if (SUCCESS != newEeh.AddToModel ())
    return ERROR;

    return __super::_ProcessAgenda (ev); // Delete originals...

    * Install a new instance of the tool. Will be called in response to external events
    * such as undo or by the base class from _OnReinitialize when the tool needs to be
    * reset to it's initial state.
    * @bsimethod Brien.Bastings 07/12
    virtual void _OnRestartTool () override
    InstallNewInstance (GetToolId (), m_operation);


    * Method to create and install a new instance of the tool. If InstallTool returns ERROR,
    * the new tool instance will be freed/invalid. Never call delete on RefCounted classes.
    * @bsimethod Brien.Bastings 07/12
    static void InstallNewInstance (int toolId, ToolOperation operation)
    TestBooleanTool* tool = new TestBooleanTool (toolId, operation);

    tool->InstallTool ();

    }; // TestBooleanTool

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