[V8i MDL] How to detect view zoom out?

I have a userViewfunction that is set by

mdlView_setFunction (UPDATE_POST, myViewFunction);

When user pans a view myViewFunction is called as expected.  But how do I know whether myViewFunction was called by user zooming out in a particular view?  That is, the view extents may have changed but the view centre is unchanged.

To rephrase the question, is this the right way to detect a user zoom out?

  • I don't think that an unchanged centerpoint alone is enough to be sure you have a zoom function. As soon as you define a tentative point before scrolling, or use the zoom in function instead of scrolling, you have different extends and a different viewcenter. So while an unchanged center point will show a zoom, not every zoom has an unchanged center point ;).

    Edit: You asked for 'zoom out', which has little to do with 'zoom in', but for tentative+scroll there is still a different center.

  • I don't think that an unchanged centerpoint alone is enough to be sure you have a zoom function. As soon as you define a tentative point before scrolling, or use the zoom in function instead of scrolling, you have different extends and a different viewcenter. So while an unchanged center point will show a zoom, not every zoom has an unchanged center point ;).

    Edit: You asked for 'zoom out', which has little to do with 'zoom in', but for tentative+scroll there is still a different center.

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