Component cell DataGroup info extraction

Hi guys,

This is actually my first post on this forum and I have just started VBA coding in Aecosim last week so bear with me.

I have managed to create a VBA code that will show the element ID at the center of the selected element(s) and it is working as intended. Now my problem is I am trying to extract the datagroup information from a compound cell (like a duct or an AHU) and put them in text files. I have searched everywhere online and read through the mechanical VBA code but with no luck. If someone could just, for an example, guide me through a code to extract the width and the height of a duct I would be grateful.;pi20068scroll=false

My code is as follow:-

Sub SelectionTest()
    Dim ee As ElementEnumerator
    Dim oElement As Element
    Dim mytext As TextElement
    Dim rotmatrix As Matrix3d
    Dim text As String
    Dim P As Point3d
    Dim extent As Point3d
    Dim range As Range3d
    Dim oParam As BMParameterSet
    Dim type1 As String
    If ActiveModelReference.AnyElementsSelected Then
        Set ee = ActiveModelReference.GetSelectedElements
        If ee Is Nothing Then
            MsgBox "ActiveModelReference.GetSelectedElements returned nothing"
            CadInputQueue.SendKeyin "textstyle active ""(ArialNarrow-1.8mm)"""
            Do While ee.MoveNext
                'type1 = oParam.Get(bmdParameterGroupProperties, "CatalogName")
                Select Case ee.Current.Type
                    Case msdElementTypeCellHeader
                    'Case msdElementTypeGroupData
                        Set oElement = ee.Current.AsCellElement
                        range = ee.Current.AsCellElement.range
                        P.X = (range.High.X + range.Low.X) / 2
                        P.Y = (range.High.Y + range.Low.Y) / 2
                        P.Z = range.High.Z + 20
                        text = "ID = " & DLongToString(oElement.ID)
                        'Set mytext = CreateTextElement1(Nothing, type1, P, rotmatrix)
                        Set mytext = CreateTextElement1(Nothing, text, P, rotmatrix)
                        Application.ActiveModelReference.AddElement mytext
                    'Case msdElementTypeSharedCell

                        'MsgBox "Shared Cell Name = " & ee.Current.AsSharedCellElement.Name

                    'Case Else

                        'MsgBox "Not a cell - Element Type = " & CStr(ee.Current.Type)

                End Select


        End If


        MsgBox "No Elements selected"

    End If

End Sub

Best regards


  • Nayer,

    If you are looking to just read the information you can use a PropertyHandler. It is documented in the help file. Get the Array of AccessStrings and then request each property. You will have to figure out which properties you want to write off into a text file.

    Mark Anderson [Bentley]
  • You can also use AECOsim Mechanical Component API to get parameters specific to AHU.

    I did an example based on ABD SS6 Beta as below:

    1. Reference AECOsim Mechanical Component API 3.0 Library in your VBA project;

    2. Use the below code snippet:

    Sub BBMS_ReadParameters()
        Dim oApp As New BMApplication
        Dim oElem As Element
        Dim oParamSet As BMParameterSet
        Set oElem = ActiveModelReference.GetElementByID(DLongFromLong(9948))
        Set oParamSet = oApp.CreateParameterSetFromElement(oElem, True)
        MsgBox "CatalogType = " & oParamSet.CatalogType & vbCrLf & _
               "CatalogItem = " & oParamSet.CatalogItem & vbCrLf & _
               "CustomSchemaName = " & oParamSet.CustomSchemaName
        MsgBox "Custom Parameters:" & vbCrLf & _
               "   AHU Width = " & oParamSet.Get(bmdParameterGroupCustom, "AHUWidth") & vbCrLf & _
               "   AHU Height = " & oParamSet.Get(bmdParameterGroupCustom, "AHUHeight") & vbCrLf & _
               "   Total Length = " & oParamSet.Get(bmdParameterGroupCustom, "TotalLength")
        MsgBox "EndSpec1_1 Parameters:" & vbCrLf & _
               "   W1 = " & oParamSet.Get(bmdParameterGroupEndData, "End1/@width") & vbCrLf & _
               "   D1 = " & oParamSet.Get(bmdParameterGroupEndData, "End1/@depth")
    End Sub

    3. Output results are as below:

    HTH, YongAn

    Answer Verified By: Nayer Girgis 

  • Yongan, that is what I was looking for. I tried to use the API before but I missed the CreateParameterSetFromElement order. Is there an Aecosim SDK available for download that will have some documentation of how the different commands are working.

    Thank you so much.
  • There is a BuildingPlatform SDK (you can call it AECOsim SDK) but only DataGroup and Architecture part in it. For Mechanical part there isn't a documentation till now. I learnt Mechanical VBA programming from the projects delivered with software.
    Regards, YongAn