[CONNECT C++] TextBlock code to replace mdlText_extract()

It took me a while and quite a bit of reading to figure out the TextBlock code required to replace the depreciated mdlText_extract() function so I thought I would post it and possibly save someone else the time. I encourage everyone else to post successful code ports of depreciated MDL/MC functions.

//mdlText_extract(&origin, NULL, NULL, NULL, str, &rMatrix, NULL, NULL, &ts, NULL, element);

ElementHandle eh(element, modelRef);
TextBlockPtr textBlock = TextHandlerBase::GetFirstTextPartValue(eh);
origin = textBlock->GetUserOrigin();
rMatrix = textBlock->GetOrientation();
WString strW = textBlock->ToString();
wcstombs(str, strW.c_str(), 255);
DPoint2d sizeUor = textBlock->GetRunPropertiesForAdd().GetFontSize();