[Connect] MstnPrimitiveTool vs DgnPrimitiveTool and error C2248

Hi everyone.  I am not sure where to locate this error. I have a small primitive command derived from MstnPrimitiveTool in V8 and I am trying to convert it to V10. Do you have any suggestions?

TIA Volker

What I have done:

I replaced MstnPrimitiveTool with DgnPrimitiveTool and renamed the methods to underline + On…. etc.

The compiler seems to be satisfied with header and c++ file.

Source h-file:                                 

class CabtoolCmdKeil : DgnPrimitiveTool
   DPoint3d          _aPoints[5];
   UInt32            _ulAnzPunkt;
   MSElementDescrP   _pZellDscr;
   Int64             _llcmdNumber;
   CabtoolCmdKeil(Int64 cmdNumber, int cmdNameID, int cmdPromptID);
   virtual bool _OnInstall() override;
   virtual void _OnPostInstall() override;
   virtual void _OnCleanup() override;
   virtual void _OnRestartTool() override;
   virtual void _OnReinitialize() override;
   virtual void OnComplexDynamics(DgnButtonEventCR ev);
   virtual bool _OnResetButton(DgnButtonEventCR ev) override
      _OnReinitialize(); return true;
   virtual bool _OnDataButton(DgnButtonEventCR ev) override;
   void MyInstallTool(void);
   bool _CreateElement(EditElementHandleR eeh);


But I got this error C2248 here:

Source c++file:

static void cmdABKeil(WCharCP wszUnParsed)
   CabtoolCmdKeil*   pTool = new CabtoolCmdKeil(CMD_ABDATE_KEIL, MESSAGELISTID_Commands_Keil, MESSAGELISTID_Prompts_Keil);

The Error message:

my.cpp(143) : error C2248: 'Bentley::RefCounted<Bentley::IRefCounted>::operator new' : cannot access protected member declared in class 'Bentley::RefCounted<Bentley::IRefCounted>'

        …\include\Bentley/RefCounted.h(91) : see declaration of 'Bentley::RefCounted<Bentley::IRefCounted>::operator new'

my.cpp(143) : error C2248: 'Bentley::RefCounted<Bentley::IRefCounted>::operator delete' : cannot access protected member declared in class 'Bentley::RefCounted<Bentley::IRefCounted>'

        …\include\Bentley/RefCounted.h(91) : see declaration of 'Bentley::RefCounted<Bentley::IRefCounted>::operator delete'

  • Protected functions can't be called from outside of the class or its friends.

    Add a static member function like:

    class MyTool : DgnPrimitiveTool
    private: MyTool(whatever args);
    public: static RefCountedPtr<MyTool> Create(whatever args) { return new MyTool(args); }

    Or make your MyInstallTool() static and have it allocate the tool internally.



    Answer Verified By: Volker Hüfner 

  • Protected functions can't be called from outside of the class or its friends.

    Add a static member function like:

    class MyTool : DgnPrimitiveTool
    private: MyTool(whatever args);
    public: static RefCountedPtr<MyTool> Create(whatever args) { return new MyTool(args); }

    Or make your MyInstallTool() static and have it allocate the tool internally.



    Answer Verified By: Volker Hüfner 
