[Connect C#] Missing XAttributeChangedEventArgs.XAttribute-Property

In V8 there was in the XAttributeChangedEventArgs-Class (XAttributChanged-Event) the eventArgs.XAttribute - Property where I could find out which Element was changed.

Now the property no longer exists. How I can get the ElementID of the element?
What should I use in Connect?



Parents Reply
  • I am looking for our XAttributs, these could be attached to any element in MicroStation.
    First I got an ElementChanged-Event (ChangeTrackKind.Add) (e.i. Element was copied), but at this point of time, I have no addition information about a possible attached XAttribute.
    Later comes the XAttribut-Event (ChangeTrackKind.AddXAttribute) but now I do not have any Information which of the elements earlier are concerns with this event. In V8 it was easily to detect this element with the property XAttribute.ElemRefPtr of XAttributeChangedEventArgs.


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