[Connect VBA] Problem with rotation matrix3d


I wrote in "Microsstation V8i SS3" the VBA code below.

Now i'm trying to use this VBA code in "Microstation Connect" but, when running the vba, the origin of the textelement is not right.

The text is on a different coordinate than the original point.

when I do not use the rotation matrix, the text on the right place.

I also tried different matrixes like "Matrix3dFromVectorAndRotationAngle" and "Matrix3dRotationFromColumnZ" but the result is the same.

Does anyone know what here is going on?

kind regards,


The code of Class Module : PlaceTekstAfst

Option Explicit,
Implements IPrimitiveCommandEvents
Private nPunten             As Long
Private hoek                As Double
Private Afst                As Double
Private AfstV               As Double
Private strAfst             As String
Private Tekst               As TextElement
Private Lijn                As LineElement
Private SPoint(1)           As Point3d
Private Tpoint(1)           As Point3d
Private PPoint              As Point3d
Private Vect                As Vector3d
Private Rotatie             As Matrix3d

Private Sub IPrimitiveCommandEvents_Cleanup()
End Sub

Private Sub IPrimitiveCommandEvents_DataPoint(point As Point3d, ByVal View As View)
    If nPunten = 0 Then
        SPoint(0) = point
        nPunten = 1
        ShowPrompt "enter eindpunt/esc om te stoppen"
    ElseIf nPunten = 1 Then
        SPoint(1) = point
        If TekstAfstand.OBAASelectie.Value = True Then
            If SPoint(0).X = SPoint(1).X Then
                hoek = Pi / 2
                hoek = Atn((SPoint(0).Y - SPoint(1).Y) / (SPoint(0).X - SPoint(1).X))
            End If
        ElseIf TekstAfstand.OBAA0.Value = True Then
            hoek = 0
        ElseIf TekstAfstand.OBAA90.Value = True Then
            hoek = Pi / 2
        End If
        Dim Axis As Point3d
        Axis.X = 0
        Axis.Y = 0
        Axis.Z = 1
        Rotatie = Matrix3dFromVectorAndRotationAngle(Axis, hoek)
        Afst = Point3dDistance(SPoint(0), SPoint(1))
        strAfst = Str(Round(Afst, 3))
        ShowPrompt "Place distance /esc to quit"
        nPunten = 2
     ElseIf nPunten = 2 Then
        PPoint = point
        If ULs = True Then 'calculation linespacing
            Tpoint(0) = point
            Tpoint(1) = Lijn.ProjectPointOnPerpendicular(point, Matrix3dIdentity)
            Vect.X = Tpoint(0).X - Tpoint(1).X
            Vect.Y = Tpoint(0).Y - Tpoint(1).Y
            Vect.Z = Tpoint(0).Z - Tpoint(1).Z
            AfstV = Point3dDistanceXY(Tpoint(1), Tpoint(0))
            If Vect.X <> 0 Then Vect.X = (Vect.X / AfstV) * Ls
            If Vect.Y <> 0 Then Vect.Y = (Vect.Y / AfstV) * Ls
            If Vect.Z <> 0 Then Vect.Z = (Vect.Y / AfstV) * Ls
            PPoint = Point3dAddPoint3dVector3d(Tpoint(1), Vect)
        End If
        Set Tekst = CreateTextElement1(Nothing, strAfst, PPoint, Rotatie)
        ActiveModelReference.AddElement Tekst
        CommandState.StartPrimitive New PlaceTekstAfst
    End If
End Sub

Private Sub IPrimitiveCommandEvents_Dynamics(point As Point3d, ByVal View As View, ByVal DrawMode As MsdDrawingMode)
    If nPunten = 1 Then
        Set Lijn = CreateLineElement2(Nothing, SPoint(0), point)
        Lijn.Redraw DrawMode
        Dim PNormal As Point3d
        PNormal = Point3dSubtract(Lijn.EndPoint, Lijn.StartPoint)
        Set Tekst = CreateTextElement1(Nothing, Str(Round(Point3dDistance(SPoint(0), point), 3)), point, Matrix3dRotationFromColumnZ(PNormal))
        Tekst.Redraw DrawMode
    ElseIf nPunten = 2 Then
        PPoint = point
        If ULs = True Then 'calculation linespacing
            Tpoint(0) = point
            Tpoint(1) = Lijn.ProjectPointOnPerpendicular(point, Matrix3dIdentity)
            Vect.X = Tpoint(0).X - Tpoint(1).X
            Vect.Y = Tpoint(0).Y - Tpoint(1).Y
            Vect.Z = Tpoint(0).Z - Tpoint(1).Z
            AfstV = Point3dDistanceXY(Tpoint(1), Tpoint(0))
            If Vect.X <> 0 Then Vect.X = (Vect.X / AfstV) * Ls
            If Vect.Y <> 0 Then Vect.Y = (Vect.Y / AfstV) * Ls
            If Vect.Z <> 0 Then Vect.Z = (Vect.Y / AfstV) * Ls
            PPoint = Point3dAddPoint3dVector3d(Tpoint(1), Vect)
        End If
        Set Tekst = CreateTextElement1(Nothing, strAfst, PPoint, Rotatie)
        Tekst.Redraw DrawMode
    End If
End Sub

Private Sub IPrimitiveCommandEvents_Keyin(ByVal Keyin As String)

End Sub

Private Sub IPrimitiveCommandEvents_Reset()
End Sub

Sub IPrimitiveCommandEvents_Start()
    Dim lc As LocateCriteria
    Set lc = CommandState.CreateLocateCriteria(False)
    nPunten = 0
    CommandState.SetLocateCriteria lc
    ShowCommand "Place distance"
    ShowPrompt "enter first point /esc to quit"
End Sub