[CE C#] Sizing problem of Toolbar by WPF

When I was trying to play how to use WPF to create a toolbox with VS 2015 Tools for MicroStation CONNECT Edition , I found that I couldn't fix or change the Window size. Glad if someone could provide the comment as following:

  1. ResizeMode, WindowStyle cannot help fix the toolbox
  2. Toolbar_SizeChanged cannot help resize the toolbox
namespace MSAddinSample

    public partial class Toolbox : UserControl
        private static Bentley.MstnPlatformNET.WPF.DockableToolbar currentControl;
        private static Bentley.ResourceManagement.IMatchLifetime BRI;
        private Bentley.MstnPlatformNET.AddIn m_addIn;

        public Toolbox(Bentley.MstnPlatformNET.AddIn addIn)
            m_addIn = addIn;

        internal static void ShowWindow(Bentley.MstnPlatformNET.AddIn addIn)
            if (null != currentControl)
            currentControl = new Bentley.MstnPlatformNET.WPF.DockableToolbar();
            currentControl.ResizeMode = System.Windows.ResizeMode.NoResize;
            currentControl.WindowStyle = System.Windows.WindowStyle.ToolWindow;
            currentControl.Content = new Toolbox(addIn);
            currentControl.Attach(BRI, 'control');
            //currentControl.WindowContent.CanDockVertically = false;

        private void Toolbox_Unloaded(object sender, System.Windows.RoutedEventArgs e)
            currentControl = null;

        private void Toolbar_SizeChanged(object sender, System.Windows.SizeChangedEventArgs e)
            currentControl.Width = 200;
            currentControl.Height = 30;