Get Begin -End point of a arc and curve

Hi ,

Anybody knows how to get the begin and end point of a curve and a arc ????

Thanks for your help !!

  • Both Arcs and Curves have StartPoint and EndPoint properties (in VBA), that you can access similar to:

        Dim oArcElement As ArcElement
        Set oArcElement = Element
        With oArcElement
            dPrimaryRadius = .PrimaryRadius
            dSecondaryRadius = .SecondaryRadius
            dSweepAngle = .sweepAngle
            dStartAngle = .StartAngle
            rotationMatrix = .Rotation
            CenterPnt = .CenterPoint
            StartPnt = .StartPoint
            EndPnt = .EndPoint
        End With


    Answer Verified By: Xavi García Maranges 

  • Please follow the MicroStation Programming forum best practices.

    Identify Your Platform

    Please identify the version of MicroStation, or other product such as PowerDraft, that you are using: MicroStation CONNECT or MicroStation V8i. What is the 8-digit version number (e.g. 10.xx.yy.zz) of MicroStation?

    If you're using MicroStation in a ProjectWise (PW) managed environment, let us know that too.

    The APIs supplied with MicroStation CONNECT are different to those supplied with MicroStation V8i. Consequently, our answers are likely to be different.

    Identify Your Programming Language

    Are you writing MDL, C++, C#, VB.NET or MicroStation VBA?

    Code Syntax Highlighting

    When you post code, use the Forum advanced editor's syntax highlighting tool. That's the icon that resembles a pencil:  Syntax Highlighter

    VBA ChainableElement Interface

    Both ArcElement and CurveElement implement VBA's ChainableElement interface. Use the .AsChainableElement method, then the StartPoint and EndPoint properties. It's all documented in VBA help.

    Regards, Jon Summers
    LA Solutions

    Answer Verified By: Xavi García Maranges 

  • Thanks Bob and Jon , as you say bob it works perfectly !!
    Ok Jon I will follow the instructions !!
    Thanks again !!