insert statement kills my opencursorWithID

Hello, I have a table with MSLINK data, I query my table by using mdlDB_openCursorWithID(CursorId, query) and loop through my data I use mdlDB_processSQL(insert statement) to insert rows into my table.  The first insert works fine, but  upon the next fetch, the mdlDB_fetchRowByID returns the status of -100.  If I comment out my mdlDB_processSQL(insert statement) the cursor again queries through the complete table again.

is it not possible to use the mdlDB_processSQL function within a cursor loop?  If not, what would be the alternate method?  If so, why would this be erroring?  I can cut and paste the insert statement and  manually I'm successful with entering the data.

Thanks in advance,

John Schenk

  • Hi John,

    I have no answer for the discussed problem, but my guess some more information may be required:

    • What MicroStation version do you use (build number)?
    • Windows version
    • Use DB connection (ODBC, OLEDB, BUDBC...)
    • Database driver
    • Database

    ... the communication between MicroStation and database is a long chain, so it may be helpful to know exactly what pieces of software are involved.

    Just an idea: Is it possible to try the same code with another database or the same database but different driver?

    With regards,


  • Thanks Jan for replying,
    my version of MicroStation is V8i, Version
    Windows is Windows 7
    oracle driver and oracle database.

    All our applications and files are using our Oracle DB, unfortunately I don't think that's something I can change. If there's anything further you can think of... I'd be grateful,
    Thanks again...
    John Schenk
  • John,

    Please try the steps listed in order from this post: mdlDB_fetchRowByID and let us know if that helps resolve the issue.  If not, here is another search for a couple other threads ( 8 ) related to calling mdlDB_fetchRowByID and needing to enable/disable autocommit accordingly.


    Answer Verified By: John Schenk 

  • Thanks Bob, mdlDB_activeAutoCommitMode(FALSE) did the trick! Thanks for the info I was going crazy!
  • Same for me, thank you for posting. This saved me several hours of work.

  • Thanks Bob, this is the solution!

    If you use mdlDB_processSQL() (Update/Insert SQL statements) within mdlDB_openCursorWithID()/mdlDB_fetchRowByID() loop you must turn off auto commit before. Otherwise (auto commit is TRUE by default) you get CURSOR_NOT_OPEN (4075) error code on next (second) mdlDB_fetchRowByID() function because it closes CursorID immediately after mdlDB_processSQL().

    Here is an example for Access database.

    MS_sqlda    		sqlda;
    CursorID			cursorID;
    char				sql[1000], sql2[1000];
    // lines marked with [*] makes the trick
    status = mdlDB_activeAutoCommitMode(FALSE);		// turn off auto commit [*]
    if ((status = mdlDB_openCursorWithID(&cursorID, sql)) == SUCCESS)
    	while ((status = mdlDB_fetchRowByID(&sqlda, cursorID)) == QUERY_NOT_FINISHED)
    		// process sqlda.value[0] etc.
            mdlDB_processSQL(sql2); // insert / update SQL statements
    // Below lines are moved to outside if condition according to Jon's comment below.
    status = mdlDB_processSQL("COMMIT");		// do a commit [*]
    status = mdlDB_activeAutoCommitMode(TRUE);	// turn on auto commit [*]

    Kind regards,

    Sedat Alis
    AEC Technology Inc.

  • you must turn off auto commit before

    This thread is several years old, but since you've resurrected it I'll make this comment.

    int status = mdlDB_activeAutoCommitMode(false);

    You have to remember to restore the commit mode.  However, in procedural code that is often a problem.  In your example, the corresponding restore is inside a scope...

    if (condition)
       status = mdlDB_activeAutoCommitMode(true);	// turn on auto commit [*]

    If that condition fails, then you will have turned off commit mode but never restored it.

    C++ Solution

    Use a class to wrap the commit/restore function...

    • Remove commit in the class constructor
    • Restore commit in the class destructor

    Here's the class...

    struct DbCommitManager
      const bool AutoCommitOn {true};
      const bool AutoCommitOff {!AutoCommitOn}
      DbCommitManager ()
      ~DbCommitManager ()

    Use couldn't be simpler...

    void SomeSqlMethod ()
      // Your method that wants commit off: class constructor performs that task
      DbCommitManager commitMgr;
      if (condition)
        // SQL stuff with commit off
      // DbCommitManager destructor is called automatically on leaving scope.
      // Commit is restored whether or not the condition failed

    You can use the same idiom for a number of MDL functions that acquire a resource and must subsequently release it.

    Regards, Jon Summers
    LA Solutions

  • This thread is several years old, but since you've resurrected it I'll make this comment.

    int status = mdlDB_activeAutoCommitMode(false);

    You have to remember to restore the commit mode.  However, in procedural code that is often a problem.  In your example, the corresponding restore is inside a scope...

    if (condition)
       status = mdlDB_activeAutoCommitMode(true);	// turn on auto commit [*]

    If that condition fails, then you will have turned off commit mode but never restored it.

    You are absolutely right! Turning on auto commit mode within if condition will be a problem. Thank you for the fix. I have fixed the code for anyone copying the code before seeing your comment. 

    Kind regards,

    Sedat Alis
    AEC Technology Inc.