[CONNECT C++] What does "Varies Across" mean fir Text Elements?

I've created a piece of text using a TextBlock. I specified a "template" when I called TextHandlerBase::CreateElement(). Once the text was added to the model, I inspected it using the "properties" dialog and I see this:



What does this mean? Did I do something wrong in the text creation process?

extern	"C"		bool	CreateText(EditElementHandleR eehTextElem, ElementHandleCP pTemplate, WCharCP theText, DPoint3dR origin, DPoint3dR tangent)

	DgnTextStylePtr tStyle = DgnTextStyle::GetByName(L"SRS Mask 1", *ISessionMgr::GetActiveDgnFile());
	double				heightUOR = 0.0;
	mdlCnv_masterToUOR(&heightUOR, 1. / 8. / 12., ACTIVEMODEL);
	tStyle->SetProperty(TextStyleProperty::TextStyle_Height, heightUOR);
	tStyle->SetProperty(TextStyleProperty::TextStyle_Width, heightUOR * 0.75);

	// TextBlockProperties-Represents the properties that can be controlled on a per-TextBlock basis.
	TextBlockPropertiesPtr tbProps = TextBlockProperties::Create(*ISessionMgr::GetActiveDgnModelP());

	// ParagraphProperties-Represents the properties that can be controlled on a per-Paragraph basis.
	DgnModelP model = ISessionMgr::GetActiveDgnModelP();
	ParagraphPropertiesPtr paraProps = ParagraphProperties::Create(*tStyle, *model);

	// RunProperties-Describes the formatting and spacing paramters for a single run of text that TextBlock supports.
	RunPropertiesPtr runProps = RunProperties::Create(*tStyle,*model);

	TextBlockPtr			textBlock = TextBlock::Create(*tbProps,*paraProps,*runProps,*model);

	CaretPtr caretFrom = textBlock->CreateStartCaret();
	CaretPtr caretTo = textBlock->CreateEndCaret();
	textBlock->ApplyTextStyle(*tStyle.get(), true, *caretFrom.GetCR(), *caretTo.GetCR());
	RotMatrix				rMatrix = { 0 };
	mdlRMatrix_fromAngle(&rMatrix, mdlVec_angleXY(&tangent));


	if (TEXTBLOCK_TO_ELEMENT_RESULT_Success == (TextHandlerBase::CreateElement(eehTextElem, pTemplate /*nullptr*/, *textBlock)))
	return eehTextElem.IsValid();



