[V8i VBA] Creating multiple text elements from 2D array

I'm working on a macro which consists of a userform which does the following:

  1. allows a user to browse and select a target XLSX file
  2. opens the file a displays all worksheet names (not codenames) within a listbox
  3. copies a cell range on the selected worksheet to a 2D array

So far I have been successful and can access the data in the array however I have hit a stumbling block. This is the first time I've used IPrimitiveCommandEvents and the remaining steps I am trying to achieve are:

  1. Place a data point at the bottom left of a table.
  2. The data point origin coordinates are stored in another point3d for reuse when the next array column data needs to be created on a new row in the table
  3. The first column in the array will be used to create individual text elements starting at an offset X & Y position from the data point and after the first text element is placed, each other placed 5 metres to the right of the previous.
  4. Once the first array column has looped through to the end, we move to the next array column and repeat above using the additional point3d mentioned in 2. to reset back to the original data point and use a different X & Y offset to that used in 3.

Currently I can place a single piece of text but its location appears to be offset and placed at the end of the loop (i.e. number of rows in array multiplied by spacing between text elements) instead of placing one element, move position, place the next element from the array. Here is some of the code relevant to the operation:

Private Sub IPrimitiveCommandEvents_DataPoint(Point As Point3d, ByVal View As View)

    Dim oText                                As Element
    Set oText = TextFromArray(Point)
    oText.Redraw msdDrawingModeNormal
    ActiveModelReference.AddElement oText

End Sub

Private Function TextFromArray(Point As Point3d) As Element
    Dim C                                    As Long
    Dim i                                    As Integer
    Dim el                                   As Element
    Dim DataPoint                            As Point3d
    Dim R                                    As Long
    Dim sHorizOffset                         As Point3d

    DataPoint = Point    'remember the original data point coordinates
    i = 1
    sHorizOffset = Point3dFromXYZ(5, 0, 0)

    Point = Point3dAdd(Point, Point3dFromXYZ(13.5, 52.25, 0))    'set the offset from the data point for the chainage column

    For i = 1 To lNumRows

        Debug.Print "i=" & i

        Set el = CreateTextElement1(Nothing, CStr(ArrayData(1, i)), Point, Matrix3dIdentity)
        Set TextFromArray = el
        'i = i + 1
        Point = Point3dAdd(Point, sHorizOffset)
    Next i
End Function

It's not finished as I've yet to add lines to deal with the other columns in the array, I'm simply trying to achieve the creation of  individual text elements from the 1st column in the array.

Any suggestions welcome

  • Unknown said:
    I can place a single piece of text but its location appears to be offset and placed at the end of the loop

    That's what you've told MicroStation to do.  If we scrape away the useful stuff to see what your TextFromArray is doing...

    Dim oText                                As Element
    Set oText = TextFromArray(Point)

    That statement can only ever create one piece of text.  Your method iterates a loop before returning that text.  Each time it loops, it creates a text element that is subsequently discarded except for the loop's final iteration...

    Private Function TextFromArray(Point As Point3d) As Element
        For i = 1 To lNumRows
            Set el = CreateTextElement1(Nothing, CStr(ArrayData(1, i)), Point, Matrix3dIdentity)
            Set TextFromArray = el
        Next i
    End Function

    Rather than return the text element, simply add it to the active model inside your loop.

    Once you have all that working, read this article about transactions in MicroStation VBA.


    You don't have to write code!  Use FlexiTable, which already knows how to read an Excel worksheet and turn it into a table in MicroStation.

    Regards, Jon Summers
    LA Solutions

  • Unknown said:
    I can place a single piece of text but its location appears to be offset and placed at the end of the loop

    That's what you've told MicroStation to do.  If we scrape away the useful stuff to see what your TextFromArray is doing...

    Dim oText                                As Element
    Set oText = TextFromArray(Point)

    That statement can only ever create one piece of text.  Your method iterates a loop before returning that text.  Each time it loops, it creates a text element that is subsequently discarded except for the loop's final iteration...

    Private Function TextFromArray(Point As Point3d) As Element
        For i = 1 To lNumRows
            Set el = CreateTextElement1(Nothing, CStr(ArrayData(1, i)), Point, Matrix3dIdentity)
            Set TextFromArray = el
        Next i
    End Function

    Rather than return the text element, simply add it to the active model inside your loop.

    Once you have all that working, read this article about transactions in MicroStation VBA.


    You don't have to write code!  Use FlexiTable, which already knows how to read an Excel worksheet and turn it into a table in MicroStation.

    Regards, Jon Summers
    LA Solutions

  • Thanks Jon,

    I wasn't sure if multiple elements could be created in memory and then all added to the activemodel at the end of the loop. I've added your suggestion and the text creation now works as I was hoping.

    I'm now in the process of amending my TextFromArray function so that I'm not just supplying the datapoint from IPrimitiveCommandEvents_DataPoint event, I also want to supply an array and a point3d offset string from the datapoint to make the function reusable for all the arrays and offsets I will be working with. I'm able to create the text elements from the first array however the data from next array is not creating, it does contain data so I'm unsure if its due to not being able to call the TextFromArray function multiple times in the _DataPoint event. It appears that the function exists after the first array completes its loop instead of returning back to the _DataPoint event as I thought it would.

    Private Function TextFromArray(Point As Point3d, ByRef data() As Variant, ByVal sDataPointOffset As String) As Element
        Dim C                                    As Long
        Dim i                                    As Integer
        Dim el                                   As Element
        Dim DataPoint                            As Point3d
        Dim R                                    As Long
        Dim sHorizOffset                         As Point3d
        Dim sOffsetArray()                       As String
        DataPoint = Point    'remember the original data point coordinates
        i = 1
        sHorizOffset = Point3dFromXYZ(5, 0, 0)
        sOffsetArray() = Split(sDataPointOffset, ",", , vbTextCompare)
        Point = Point3dAdd(Point, Point3dFromXYZ(sOffsetArray(0), sOffsetArray(1), sOffsetArray(2)))  'set the offset from the data point for the chainage column
        For i = 1 To lNumRows
            Debug.Print "i=" & i
            Set el = CreateTextElement1(Nothing, CStr(data(i, 1)), Point, Matrix3dIdentity)
            Set TextFromArray = el
            el.Redraw msdDrawingModeNormal
            ActiveModelReference.AddElement el
            Point = Point3dAdd(Point, sHorizOffset)
        Next i
        Debug.Print "Completed first Array"
        Point = DataPoint    ' Reset Point back to original data point location
    End Function
    Private Sub IPrimitiveCommandEvents_DataPoint(Point As Point3d, ByVal View As View)
        Dim oText_Chainage                       As Element
        Dim oText_Ex_Levels                      As Element
        Set oText_Chainage = TextFromArray(Point, ArrayChainage, "13.5,52.5,0")
        Set oText_Ex_Levels = TextFromArray(Point, ArrayUpTrack, "13.5,49.75,0")
    End Sub

  • Never mind - schoolboy error! The error was the upper boundary for the array using lNumRows which returns the last row in the spreadsheet not the upper boundary in the array. Changing it to For i = 1 To UBound(data, 1) has it working as it should.