[CONNECT C++] Are there any callbacks for Display Rules?

Are there any "callbacks" available for Display Rule modifications? Specifically, this is what I'm hoping to be able to do. I have defined a number of Item Types for my model. My tools will attach those Item Types to the elements created. I would like those Item Type definitions to be used in the definition of some Display Rules. My concern is the number of Item Types that are defined. If I have 200+ Item Types, and a user only has 5 or 6 in the model, I wish to be able to trap the call opening the Display Rules dialog and "on-the-fly" define the contents of the Display Rule, using ONLY the Item Types that were used, not all the POSSIBLE Item Types. The intent is to enable the user to control the display of the elements with Item Type data attached. If the Display Rule contained ALL of my Item Types, but only 5 or 6 were used, the user would have to search the entire list for those few that were used, and they may not realize that some were used...

An Input Monitor may be an option, but I've encountered an issue (noted in a previous post) that makes me weary of that approach...



  • When you create a new Display Rule, the drop-down that allows you to pick a property from an ECClass should only list ECClasses which are actually used in the model.

    For example, if you have a Shape element with a MyItemType ECInstance attached to it, you should only be able to pick from properties of Shapes and MyItemTypes, regardless of what other ItemTypes have been defined.

    There are no callbacks for this.

  • When you create a new Display Rule, the drop-down that allows you to pick a property from an ECClass should only list ECClasses which are actually used in the model.

    For example, if you have a Shape element with a MyItemType ECInstance attached to it, you should only be able to pick from properties of Shapes and MyItemTypes, regardless of what other ItemTypes have been defined.

    There are no callbacks for this.

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