Select and copy graphic group


I am running an excel macro that creates elements in Microstation. Each element is placed in a graphic group, so I know the graphic group number assigned.

Is it possible to select this graphic group by its number only to enable it to be copied. 

Any help (or even better a simple example) wouldbe much appreciated.

Cheers Craig

  • Unknown said:
    I am running an Excel macro that creates elements in MicroStation

    Which version of MicroStation?

    Unknown said:
    Is it possible to select a graphic group by its number only to enable it to be copied

    Use the ModelReference.Scan method.  Pass it an ElementScanCriteria object that excludes everything but the graphic group (GG)  that you want to include.

    Untested example...

    Sub SelectGraphicGroup (ByVal gg As Long, ByVal oModel As ModelReference)
      Dim oCriteria As New ElementScanCriteria
      oCriteria.IncludeOnlyGraphicGroup gg
      Dim oElementsInGraphicGroup As ElementEnumerator
      Set oElementsInGraphicGroup = oModel.Scan (oCriteria)
      Do While oElementsInGraphicGroup.MoveNext
        Dim oElement As Element
        Set oElement = oElementsInGraphicGroup.Current
        '  Do something with oElement
        oModel.SelectElement oElement
    End Sub

    Example call...

    Sub TestSelectGraphicGroup ()
      Const gg As Long = 123 '  Your call
      SelectGraphicGroup gg, ActiveModelReference
    End Sub

    Regards, Jon Summers
    LA Solutions

    Answer Verified By: Craig Stevens