MDL Function

Hello All,

How to call this lidar tmodel function

//how to bind Dpoint3d and int to form a expression to evaluate using mdlCExpression_getvalue
int FnSurfaceZ( Dpoint3d *Pt, int I) ; // with parameters

mdlCExpression_getValue( &Val, &Res, Expr, VISIBILITY_CALCULATOR);

//For Example in my previous case
int FnSurfaceName( char *Str, int I) ;

sprintf( Expr, "FnSurfaceName(%ld,%d)", (long) Name, 0) ;

mdlCExpression_getValue( &Val, &Res, Expr, VISIBILITY_CALCULATOR);

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    LIDAR Library

    Please tell us where the FnSurfaceZ function comes from?

    Regards, Jon Summers
    LA Solutions

  • Hello Sir,

    I am using microstation v8 2004 Edition(version: and building tools using Microstation Development Shell.

    FnSurfaceZ is lidar tmodel function.

    Calculate elevation Pt->z at location Pt->x,Pt->y from surface with id I.
    The elevation can not be calculated if:
    - the surface id is invalid
    - the surface is empty
    - the point is outside surface
    - the point is inside an excluded triangle
    Return 1 if successful.
    Return 0 if the elevation could not be calculated.
    int FnSurfaceZ( Dpoint3d *Pt, int I) ;

    Thanks in Advance,

    Kanmani K.

  • Hello Sir,

    I am using microstation v8 2004 Edition(version: and building tools using Microstation Development Shell.

    FnSurfaceZ is lidar tmodel function.

    Calculate elevation Pt->z at location Pt->x,Pt->y from surface with id I.
    The elevation can not be calculated if:
    - the surface id is invalid
    - the surface is empty
    - the point is outside surface
    - the point is inside an excluded triangle
    Return 1 if successful.
    Return 0 if the elevation could not be calculated.
    int FnSurfaceZ( Dpoint3d *Pt, int I) ;

    Thanks in Advance,

    Kanmani K.
